Mods To the 2016 Sets

The shoulders are on the original ball joint, and the arm connection just adds another one…


Nothing to say here; just a umarak revamp. He retains all the features of the set with the only added stuff being a hunting knife and more gunmetal on his legs.


Idk something doesn’t feel right, can’t make out what it is though. Although I can say that the Skull addon on the legs does not look good.

This is pretty good, but that knife is a bit to clunky IMO.

I thought he already had a hunting knife?

The legs are way to fat, and makes it look even more disproportional.

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could you try that on lewa?

So here’s what a kopaka with out gold would look like:

While not lore friendly, it does look pretty nice as the colors flow better. The stickers also really help as they add white into the solid metru blue forearms. This was just for fun, but hey, the colors flow at least.


If only his sword was trans blue as well.

Woah, looks nice! I wonder what Melum would look like with no gold…

I know this was posted a while ago, but where did you get the 5 length trans-dark blue armour shells? Sorry for the inconvenience.

Those are from the 2013 set Chi Laval.

Hmm… They’re like 50p on Bricklink, looks like I won’t be getting them anytime soon…

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Yeah, they look awesome though.

It’s for my unfinished Gali mod. As you can see, the lower legs look a little bare with the length they currently are.


Now I would have happily bought this.

Idea, maybe use a lightsaber, a flickmissile, or a shorter piece like it to attach another armor piece to the knee. like this.

(shameless plug)


Them curves. :sunglasses:

Yellow and orange accents? :stuck_out_tongue:

My pics are coming soon, but I got Tahu and Pohatu, and I have a modded Ikir and Umarak as well.

I love how my Tahu looks, and I got two Unity pieces to use out of it!