Mods To the 2016 Sets

@Rockho Only because I wanted to use the 2015 chest assembly, it gives a more feminine vibe in my opinon.

@RaptorTalon I like modding my Toa as if the techniques used could be used by LEGO… has this ever been used before?

Nope, but I mean, what is the point of LEGO if not to stretch the rules?

A better method for that is to use a pneumatic T-bar, like on my Gali’s knees.



I would if I could, but I only have one T bar on me right now.


Does it wobble about? Unfortunately I don’t have any of that piece…

It doesn’t, actually.

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It does not, the socket on the armor piece hugs the bone piece just enough for it to be stable.

I wish the Summer sets could come out soon so I can get Umarak and LB and fix those gaps. Storm Beast is perfectly fine to me, but QB… I have no idea what to do about him…

It makes the horns a little bigger, but I may do this to UtD’s horns:

just to add some gold so it doesn’t look too broken up.


WIP of Ekimu the Maskmaker’s revamp. Note, the skull torso is just a placeholder for the Uniter Torso. I haven’t decided on rather to use the trans. light blue or gold MOCr yet.


Something I want to see on these MODs is how to fit their weapons on their backs (Tahu’s two swords, Umarak’s Hunter Bow, etc). Maybe the Piece of Unity can help?

EDIT: I wonder if LEGO will have instructions to combine Umarak the Hunter with Umarak the Destroyer

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Oh I wish I had a camera now…


If you used my Umarak Shoulderpad Mod, then you should have relatively little trouble fitting on Umarak’s bow.

Can anyone make Umarak’s bow fold-able like in JtO?

Just use the hinge pieces that connect the shadow traps together.


Balanced out the overly silver chest piece by adding more silver


Oh… I didn’t think of that… I had a real brain flatline there XD

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Oh, I did that with Tahu!

Just wait a bit, I’ll have pictures eventually!

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After reading the comment I tried that and he looks better without.

Hewkii; I think you mean that sword. I upgraded that so I just added the knife too.