Mods To the 2016 Sets

Ok, these are just concepts, however I’m pretty happy with them right now. So… Let’s go!
Starting off with storm beast, there’s so much of this moc that’s incomplete, I’m gonna use a few different pictures to show off where everything is gonna go.

Ok, a lot of this will make sense right from the get-go. Whiskers will be put on the beast’s jaw, exopod/neck will be replacing the previous neck and the new arms will replace the old ones, simple stuff. Well let’s start there! On the arms, those gunmetal fingers will be trans green. The exopod/neck is incredibly iffy at this point, but I think I’m gonna add it in. The lower body is gonna connect to the open ball joint at the bottom of SB’s torso and trans green bones will be put on where his legs once were and flipped up so they’re underlapped by the skeleton torso piece to fill in that gap. Now as for the legs, they’re gonna be digitgrade. So basically, I’m gonna take the legs SB is supposed to have, remove the friction joint, replace the upper bone with a trans green one of the same type, flatten out the bottom leg so it’s straight up and down, and attach a skull spider to it upside-down. You probably have no idea what I’m talking about, so if I get the chance, I’ll take a picture of it. I had these saved to my computer already so I can’t get much better photos.
Now next is Quake Beast. This one is pretty easy to understand.

Ok, so the idea with this guy is that the purple gems are a cancer growing out of one side of his body, and that the grey is his actual skin. So… He’s gonna have three arms. One GIANT CRUSHER ARM, the smaller arm the vanilla set has is gonna be moved to the other side, and the smaller hand pictured here will take its place. Much like with SB, I’m gonna add those legs to him via the balljoint connection on the torso’s crotch, and the two black bones will fill in the gaps. That’s it. Next up is LB

That’s it. It’s already build up .
Next is UTD

This is the base idea. It’s about a Tahu and a half tall and fixes all the problems I have with the original set. The only thing it needs is to be bulked up a little and everything is covered up and good to go. That awkward technic beam on his back will have a makeshift shell attached to it




currently i only own 4 toa and umarak so i will post my mods of only them for now.


kopaka is already pretty amazing if not for those two gold peices. honestly just taking them off makes him look so much better and he colour scheme flows better as well adding more white where it is needed


i tried to make tahu more accurate to The Journey to One and added more solid red peices. i also made him shorter so that he didnt tower above the rest of the toa and put the trans red bone peice from his shin in his thighs to help the colour scheme. although it looks like motion could be hindered in the knee’s as the peice of unity is quite long, i have found that the shin armour slides over the peice of unity with no need for readjustment which is nice

i have also elongated the axels at the bottom of his sword so that they can form a far longer staff as the original staff is far to short and hard to move


it is known throught the TTV message boards that lewa’s arms are incredibly stubby so, after some incredible trial and error, i was able to make his arms longer without making him long downright strange

here is a close up if anyone wants to know how to fix his arms

also i have slightly improved the handles on his duel razor crystal blades


for pohatu i replaced the trans neon green armour shells on his forearms with burnt orange peices. i kept the dark tan on his thighs as i felt that the colour needed to be distributed somewhere other than just on his chest.

ive also changed the shaft on his staff so that posing is easier and so that it looks better overall


my changes to umarak where minor overall

his shoulders were quite lacking compared to TJO so i moved them up one pin

i also changed the handle on his bow so that it was more like skull warriors for posing which was difficult before this adjustment

ill make another post when i get the last 2 toa and another one if i decide to change the creatures in any way

till then thanks for reading! please comment thoughts


Mods to Gali and Onua:


  • Switched the torso to the 2015 version for a more feminine look.
  • Switched leg bone lengths for better proportions. Added 5 length azure armour like 2015 version had as I felt this really added to that Gali’s feminine vibe.
  • Altered shoulder Vorox armour arrangement for more articulation.

Here’s Gali’s new torso construction. Not so sure about the round piece at the back but I couldn’t think of any alternative.

I couldn’t think of any way to place the Vorox armour on her thigh other than the way she has originally. I like it angled, so if anyone can find an alternative please tell me :slight_smile:


  • Longer legs = more height = happy Daniel
  • Slightly different torso construction so more durable. Axle slot at back for weapon storage

The shoulders now wobble about a little less, although I’m still not completely happy with the build yet. Back ‘armour’/torso bulk has been slightly differently arranged so that an axle slot has been added for the weapon to be stored.

As always, sorry about the poor lighting and camera quality.


Considering the scale of the original figure, it’s more like a kinda long-ish knife.

I have a VERY simple fix for Lewa. All you have to do is move the Glatorian necks that connect the Vorox armor to the arms down by one pin. It only needs one pin, and it just holds fine + it adds extra possibility.

All you need to do to fix lewa is get a hordika neck and a standard ccbs bone. Just put the hordika neck on the empty axle socket that pohatu’s shoulders connect to and attach the bone to the hordika neck. Remove the black galtorian neck from the skrall armor, and put the lower arm on the empty bones.

I have some really nice mods and mod updates coming so far. I really need Ketar and Pohatu to show off their mods, though. Only LEGO stores sell the new BIONICLE sets.

Can you post pics???

Basically this

but attach the arms to hordika necks instead of whatever this guy did.


What now?

Ok, so those red axles need to be pushed back a bit, and then you attach the hordika necks. If you’re dissasitified with the articulation, just pop off the green bohrok eyes. That should do it!

Looks good, thanks man :smile:

EDIT: More solid construction


BTW sorry if the pics are blurry


Okay, here we go. Sorry, this will be a long post:

Tahu Mods: Changed the gold arm shells to red, added sword holders onto back, changed thighs to make them bigger, added studs on the half pins, weapons can stay intact when separated from hands and have longer hilts, tire on neck

Also, some stuff on the back of the legs.

These hold the swords on his back JtO style.

Inside torso build.

Swords stay intact when removed due to the hilts. All I need to do is spin the hilt piece around.

They attach using the blue pins.

Just like JtO!

On his back.

Photoshop Magic!

More Magic!

Gold mask.

Pohatu Mods: (I actually liked him, so there’s not that many) Flipped Bohrok eye on arms and added a tile to them, friction adders removed from ankles and moved to knees, neck tire, and I split his weapon

Gold mask and weapon on back. It’s actually easy to make into one piece, but it requires two red axles to be plugged into his shoulders. It also doesn’t need a dedicated piece to hold it there, the Unity pins work just fine.

And he can hold it the way he does in the game and JtO.

But I prefer this way! With Photoshop Magic!

Umarak Mods: Leg gap fixes, shoulders moved up, arms given double ball joints, bow modded into crossbow and allows for better posing, neck moved forward, some spikes added

Also, sorry, my photo editing made his horns grey…whoops! I think they look cool!

Leg fixes.

Hunting knife can be attached properly!

Shoulder fixes. He can hold all his crap on his back for his Shadow Trap and he can still Unite (but his neck makes it so that he can’t have the Creature head on his. Personal headcanon reason is since his anatomy is so different from a Toa it actually hurts a Creature to Unite with him.)

Inside torso build.

The Hunter has found his prey!

Just added some ball joint fixes to Ikir!

Unity mode! Still works great!

Now the Toa can defeat the Shadow Hunter and get the mask back!

Sorry again for the long post, but what do you all think?


Those be some nice mods, the only thing I really don’t like is the way Tahu’s thighs are arranged, they look a little awkward.

What pieces did you use for the shoulders? I’m trying to shamelessly rip them off and I’m sorta stumped.

Do you mean this piece

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I really like the Umarak extended neck modification, its something similar what I did to all of my figures because the original models looked so weird without proper necks. This was specially a problem on Tahu Master, which mask directly hit the chest piece because his neck was so short.


I never thought I’d ever mod/revamp anything again ever since I started really collecting the g2 sets, but since I had a second Kopaka and Melum set, I figured I’d give it a go anyway.

Boy oh boy, Kopaka needed some extra love. Badly.
My goal was to make him bigger and more worthy of the 20 dollar price tag, and to make his build accurate to his JTO model.
Have a look!

He’s wider, taller and more filled out. To make his shoulder armor articulate separately, had to get clever with the build. It’s basically an inverted version of Tahu’s torso build, with perpendicular liftarms on the front section to hold those hordika necks.
The arm build was a real noggin scratcher… It’s crooked, but the silver bohrok eyes serve to offset that a bit, visually speaking. It had to be technic-based, though, because Kopaka’s upper arms in the show were thin, which represents a technic-based build.

Still looks rather lackluster compared to Tahu, but I really did my best.

Melum didn’t need much, his JTO-counterpart had shells on the upper arms, which I gave to him. The longer arms are convenient for the Unity-mode, anyhow.

I don’t think I quite managed. Kopaka was too broken to even fix; the lack of gold and the use of vorox armor for the shoulders doomed him to be an unimpressive figure.
No matter how many parts you use, he’ll always look cheap because of that.
I still think of this as an improvement, though!


It’s all personal preference! I like him to have the larger thighs, and while they stick out a bit from the sides I don’t mind them.

For Umarak or for Tahu?
For Umarak it’s this piece:

But the only reason I use that is because I didn’t have a shorter lift arm. It does allow him to store extra pieces for his trap on his back though.
For Tahu it’s this piece:

Connected to this piece:

Instead of the one in the set which is this one:

Hope it helped!

I get you, but I did this because his neck was really far back compared to his chest and it looked really awkward. It also gives him more dimension!

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