More Toa Hagah

Bomonga’s mask is a placeholder. Gaaki’s color scheme is just to gage general reaction to a golden Toa of Water.


These are some great Hagah but I think Bomonga should have more black pieces maybe on the upper arms and upper legs since the only thing making him look like a toa of earth is the chest and hands but the chest covered in armor that hides the black.


These are pretty nice. I didn’t recognize Bomonga at first–I think black is necessary on him instead of gray. I’m also not a fan of his neck hunch. Kualus’s shoulder armor is very neat, though, and Gaaki’s chest armor is genius.

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Yeah, I think more black would indeed make him look traditional. My only gripe about it is it’d have to make him break scheme from Norik and Iruini even harder. But I suppose it may be necessary

Thanks for sharing these before the contest! I always enjoy giving feedback, but especially when I know that people still have the opportunity to make their builds even better. :wink:

I will assume these are at least to some extent work-in-progress, given your comments above - I’ll also assume that you’re planning to enter the contests. If either of these assumptions are incorrect, please forgive me.

  • Kualus is my favourite out of these three. I’d like to see a different spearhead, maybe, since that one appears in many other canon places (and it’s a bit confusing given that Iruini’s weapon turns into one that looks like that when he mutates) but otherwise I’m good with it. Rode isn’t my top pick for design, but I also have no issues with it. I love the shoulder armour!

  • Contrary to what some people have said, I really like the subtle hunch you’ve given Bomonga. I’d actually experiment with maybe giving it to one of the others instead, though - Toa of Earth always get the unique postures, despite no rule being written in stone saying that they are all big and bulky. I’d actually love to see a nice lean, muscular Toa of Earth and maybe giving the hunch to Kualus (as a nod to his being a bit of a bird fanatic, he could have a bird-like posture). Back to Bomonga though, his chest armour is a bit low and gives him a bit of a pot-belly, and while I applaud the attempt at a nice point of difference, I must echo the others in saying that the grey just isn’t working for me.

  • Gaaki needs a different spear - even if you give Pouks another double-up spear, I won’t be keen on two Hagah having distinct weapons and the other four doubling up. I like Gaaki’s armour, though out of the three, her heartlight is the only one that could use a change of colour - maybe yellow, or pink? (The other two are great, tho, btw). I like the gold from a purely aesthetic standpoint more than silver on her, but it does scream Psionics a bit too much for me. Lhikan’s Hau is already on another canon Metru build, so I’d rather see another mask - but it’s not a deal breaker by any stretch (and it works for a feminine design more than I expected, actually!).

As a general comment, know that none of these even come close to breaking cohesion with the other Hagah for me. The only thing that’s really a gripe for me is, again, Gaaki’s spear (and maybe the doubled chest armour for Bomonga/Kualus, but that’s super nitpicky).

Also (even though it would never affect the way I vote) - maybe see if you can find a crisper backdrop for your photography, if you’re planning to enter the contests. I think it has a subconscious but significant effect on the way people respond to the builds - look at the finalist rounds for the previous contests if you need some more tangible proof.


Thank you for the very constructive input! I agree with a good bit of your points or at least understand them. I’m glad you were so concise. I’m totally not opposed to changing Kualus’s mask, I’m trying to contact a mask maker about using a 3D printed mask at the moment for an already known mask with a non traditional design. I get the point on the spear tip (Ha!) and I’ve experimenting with a lot of different ones.
As for Bomonga, I’m still iffy if I’ll even submit him. He was really just for fun at the moment, but I understand what you meant!
For Gaaki, yeah the gold is deeefinitely a controversy, but I decided to shoot for it after building the moc just for fun. I think if I won’t go for Bomonga then I’ll be giving her his spear tip. The current one she has in the photos was really another placeholder anyways.

I appreciate the points I’ve been given by everyone so far! In my opinion, although I am obviously advocating for a more traditional style for the Hagah, I’m still very open to working with the community to make tweaks to any mocs I’m entering. In my opinion since these are being submitted for canon, a community decision and effort working together can definitely help bring desired depictions.

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I’ve already told you what I think through PMs. One thing, though, and this isn’t just my bias: Gaaki really looks nothing like a Toa of Water to me. That color scheme legitimately just screams “Psionics!” to me.

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As many had said, I think Bomonga need more black, but I love the hump (would you make an inverted torso Pouks? :kissing:)

About Gaaki, since we haven’t seen a Toa of Psionics (yet), it doesn’t bother me the color scheme. But I do have problems with Lhikan Hau, since she has the “same” build than him, she looks like a blue Lhikan to me. I think no Hagah should use a golden Lhikan Hau.

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I’m a fan of having a Miru shape for Kualus, although I think a 3D print of a different shape in a more ‘metru’ or just older style would fit more than this version. I think it still looks good on him though.


idk man a Miru’s about as old as you can get :laughing:

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A Hau is also just as old, and yet as we see with Lhikan’s, it seems to be a little more stylized. I suppose what I meant was having a Miru stylized in a similar fashion

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I think Tahu Hau is older, Lhikan Hau is a new version of the mask.

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Ah true. They’re both very old though but I did forget to consider the obvious here. Still, I’d prefer a style thats more in line with that style of Metru-ish appearance

Pretty cool! I’d definitely vote for these.

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Can I just go on a tangent and say that’s it’s awesome that, in 2020, we can actually say that the Bionicle community has Mask Makers. :stuck_out_tongue: