Most useful Torso piece?

I’m stuck between the Mata chest and the Beast torsos. They both have an immense potential for customization, so I really can’t decide.

Help. :stuck_out_tongue:

Beast torso by far…:stuck_out_tongue:

Mata torsos, while riddled with pin and axle holes, are really just giant pieces of plastic. I have seen very few MOCs use them in a well-done way, and those MOCs often have some crazy engineering going on, so for me I can’t classify the Mata torso as particularly useful, at least for average MOCists.

But that contradicts what I said originally in this topic, so I don’t know, but given the choice to work with a CCBS torso or a Mata torso, I’d pick the sea sick crocodile CCBS torso.

Depends on the scale of the moc and the number of parts in your collection. Mata torso has more connection points and takes up a lot of space. Beast torso has fewer connection points and takes up less space. ¯_(ツ)_/¯