My art entry for the Toa Hagah! (Bionicle Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2)

Hi everyone! I am new to the chat boards, but a huge fan of bionicle. It was one of the most important items of my early years; it opened my mind to storytelling and even design. I found out about this contest on Bionicle Day and was so exited to hear about it, I knew I had to try it out!

Everyone who entered and won Part 1 of the contest did such an amazing job, I wanted to keep the designs as close to the winning choices as possible because they knocked it out of the park. I even homage some of the poses because it’s how I positioned them myself in the early sketch I made! I made some choices on the metal, and made some tweaks to the mask of Gaaki, small but tweaks I wanted to pursue to make her mask feel more like rebreather, something more aquatic.

I wanted to make sure I followed the rules, couldn’t follow the item about drawing the masks lol so I drew all of them. Let me know what you think fellow Bionicle lovers! I look forward to talking with you and seeing the other entries!


Love that little flourish of adding the pitted texture from the piraka shins to the chest piece on Gaaki. Goes a long way to make her design as cohesive as the other 5.
Copper Gaaki is also always a win.

The composition is nice but I can’t help but feel like it’s just a little too crowded in the center, and some of the poses are a tad awkward. (Also suspect characters/elements were outright traced or filtered, which to your credit - still at least looks decent here anyway and wouldn’t look out of place on the wiki pages - but will make it difficult for me to justify voting for this over other entries that weren’t…)
Otherwise, I still quite like this entry, good luck in the contest.
(As far as I know, you’re the first to give Kualus his glowing white rhotuka :wink: )



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That’s the one! When I laid out my initial sketch I immediately knew how I wanted to pose Norik, Iruini and Kualus. Norik, big and strong, kualus really cool and reserved in the back and iruini crouched using his mask (a randy Elliot callback). But the other three I wasn’t sold on how to use yet.

Once I started seeing the amazing models the winners had made I wanted to homage their poses and integrate more than just their designs into the piece as they did the hard work, I just had to try and draw it. For Pouks I used this photo and my own bionicles as a reference, but wanted him to do more then just stand; I wanted him to have a a personality, more loud and aggressive than the others. I widened his stance and brought the arm and spear forward. I did a few thumbnails sketches of him but couldn’t get this pose out of my head.


Really like this art style!

Sans kualus


I like all the effects you added to the toa using their powers


Like the bodies not a big fan of bomongas mask. Liked the one from the art

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But it’s not the winning one; I don’t think you can just change aspects of the winning entry to those of another entry.

Though I do like that you at least kept the thighs.

Which art? The winning entry used a Faxon, and all the art entries have to draw him with one as well due to the permissions.


This is pretty nice, looks like a more consistent version of 2003’s comic style. Not sure what’s going on with Pouks’ chest piece, but this is nice. Good luck!

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they look really good! my only issue is that something (i can’t place my finger on it) seems off with kualus, but besides that i really like it!


@TheJerminator Thank you for letting me know, I admit I’m not good at this website yet, I didn’t realize I used the non-winning one as a reference. I’ll have to update Pouks in the art just for myself then, I don’t know that I am allowed revisions now


You are allowed revisions.


(1) welcome to the boards
(2) Good job here. The style is great.


Thank you for letting me know, I really appreciate it. Does anyone know if there is a time limit for revisions?


Yes, there is time for revisions. They just extended it for another three weeks. However, they did specify that you can only update it once, so I recommend getting a little more feedback before making revisions. Speaking of feedback, one more thing about your Pouks is that you also used the wrong feet. The winning model uses metru feet rather than mata feet. All that said, this is a great piece of art, I love it! As others have said, I love the power effects you used on the toa for their mask/elemental powers. Finally, welcome to the boards! I look forward to seeing any further contributions you make!


This one


This is cool but it’s kind of odd that everyone has their own color armor but Boomanga and Irnui have the same color. Also the chest and feet for pouks doesn’t match the actual moc


i think it’s pearl and flat gold


Nice work, you didn’t really need to draw side views for the masks if there the originals. Also the moc builder and mask designer for Gaaki prefer to have a different mask used although you are allowed to keep it

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Since you haven’t officially submitted your entry yet, you can make whatever changes you want, as long as it’s submitted by October 2nd. Once your revisions are done, you will need to link this topic in the official Entry List in order for it be be officially entered: