And finaly, here he is ready for some fisticuffs with a powerful enemy…
Now here are som disclaimers. The upper arms are taken from the Tahu moc in the intro from vens moc spotlight.1 The body is a slightly modified version of Toa Konpakus body made by wombat combat.2 The lower legs were posted by @Nyran in the HowTo: MOC Tutorials topic.
The reason for not building a original torso, original legs and upper arms are because it is a prototype and i already had the head designer and the lower arms and just wanted to have a general idea on how the final form could be. He is also quiet top heavy so I will have to change that.
So thanks to everyone that took the time to read trough my entire first post on the boards. I hope you like the moc and feel free to give constructive criticism and compliments.
ya i know the textures clash i will fix that soon. As for the head i tried what you suggested and it was way to big so i went with the current head. I may try and modify it as well. thanks for the feedback. As for him not looking like wheatly, well i just wanted the head to at least resemble him. the rest is just suposed to use the colors he has.
He is actually a simple fella /s, who happens to posses the power to travel through time, space and dimensions (really simple, amirite? )…on surface he acts like an sort of Deadpool-type character, however inside he is really intelligent and somewhat elevated above petty conflicts. Most people call him The Jumper, through he really does not have any confirmed name. I attempted to make a MOC of him several times, but none captured the feel of his silly attitude well. Aside the mentioned power, he is really nothing else aside a guy with a staff.
He would most likely be orange/dark red guy with painted Hau…maybe the golden Hau from Stars, very sleek and tall figure on top of that, the staff will be most likely just a plain staff…nothing much about that.