Naho’s Huna

A fast artwork, mainly aimed to visualize an idea about great Huna


Very cool, kinda reminds me of the miru nuva.


Ah yes, very nice. The medium blue accents work pretty well.

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me likey

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As a super fan of the standard LEGO released great huna, this design will have to grow on me.

atm I like the noble huna reference though


Would like a 3D file for that

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Is she meant to have a hook-hand, or did you just not show the hand, since the arm seems to be based on the handless Toa Mata arm?

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She has a hook hand.

It is a Captain Hook reference.:joy:


Naho’s Huna… with Naho attached, apparently. :stuck_out_tongue: Looks pretty good, it reminds me a bit of the Knight’s Kingdom II helms.


Nice design. Looks like a Huna fused with a Miru Nuva.

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have you ever thought about creating a 3d version of dis mask, i dont know anything about 3d modeling thou

I am not good at making 3d models too. I do hope to collaborate with others to make some models of the masks I designed, but now I think I still need to improve my design skills.

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