When I get a new Bionicle, I always take it apart, wash it, and reassemble it. Not only does it get clean, but I like to think of it as a ‘you are now mine’ right of passage type thing. I also like to put the eyepiece and the mask on very last. Do you guys have little rituals you do with new Bionicles?
Not really when I buy something new, but when I’m building a MOC, I always build the left side first.
“Hahaha… I have no idea”
I always inhale when I open the little packets. I think there is some Danish air packed in, and I always check for it. Also, my weird habit is to build the set with my Dad. I reeeeaaaally have no flippin’ idea why, but maybe because when I was a toddler, I built my sets with Dad, so… Memories, man
Whenever I get new Bionicle, after assembly, I would sleep with it near me that night. Let it be on the bed headboard, on bedside table, or under the bed. I’d like to have it nearby
Well I do have a ritual when I start building a new MOC, where I get out all the pieces I think I’ll use in the MOC and lay them out in a humanoid shape so that I understand where I’m using which piece.
I sniff the instruction booklet. Yeah, i’m weird like that.
Also, I always put the mask on last.
Yap, that’s a tradition for me too, but I do it as well with MOCs I like the most
When I finish building the set, I sometimes take off all their armor and weapons and just look at their skeletal structure. I really like to image them being these Terminator/Zombie characters when they dont have their armor. Also the new Skull masks add to that thing.
Also when I remove their armor, I like arrange their armor pieces in neat rows (from smallest to largest).
Usually when I build a MOC I put a heart light in last.
Of course
usually I get a mask, body parts
I put the mask in the middle of a circle, and surround the body parts, then pray to the MOCing gods to make me my MOC
I start chanting, by now the pieces should be shining and levitating,
I proceed to get a hammer, mash the parts together, stick it in an oven, throw it into an ocean, then it should rise and turn into a MOC
Locate the mask first when opening a new set - normally i’m fine if other pieces are missing, but the mask is important.
I also tend to avoid putting the mask on until the rest of the set is complete
You throw the pieces inside the oven, then throw the oven into the ocean?
I tend to look at the mask first, but that’s about it
I always attempt to build the set without instructions first.
I like to build them by the instructions when I first get the set, like not even differ from them even if I know how to put it together. But the second copy of the set, i just do it however I want.
P.s. I also keep the instructions in a neat organized pile and keep the boxes/canisters for whatever reason.
I would guess it’s not fully yours until you’ve had to pull pieces apart with your teeth.
Back when canisters were about, after opening it I would SNORT the crap out of that danish plastic smell.
Yeah, I do that.
That doesn’t sound like drugs at all…
I do that as well.
I love the way you put that,
Okay man, that is weird.
Its not the same anymore with the bags…sadly.