Ninjago Collectible/Artifact Display: Heroes p2

A new week, a new section. Finishing the up what the ninja have used/items meant for the ninja’s use with seasons 5 and 13 (bit of a jump)

This is by far the most solid section, both of the ones I’ve posted and built. It is really bland imo, being a wall of light grey surrounded by black (and a little dark grey up top).

The reason for the solid wall is because I wanted all the aeroblades in a circle (square?), though I am glad I found a way to mount them despite the only connection being a the fairly restrictive bars.
Also I couldn’t use white or black for the center so that the Blades of Deliverance and Cole and Zane’s aeroblades would be visible. I believe dark grey obscured the translucent center piece in the center, though I’m not certain.

I haven’t modified these at all, because the Blades of Deliverance were made for the show. Though there is an unpowered version of the aeroblades that would be accurate should they be displayed in universe, but I think that would be pretty bland.

But with all the hero displays done, here is how they connect together:



Ah, this looks pretty cool. A bit basic, but still good!


ooo simple but nice!

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I just really like this. I don’t know why, but it’s a very attractive wall.