Ninjago Collectible/Artifact Display: Villains p1

It is time for the villains to shine! Specifically the serpentine.

This is certainly the most focused section, moreso than the centerpiece.

This is a return to the shrine-like build of the first two sections I posted, with less colors, being a solid black with inner red highlights.

The Serpentine Staffs are arranged on this center block, mostly in order of their appearance. The only rule breaker being the Anacondrai staff, as Pythor was the most unique Serpentine in the series.

It is a very compact build, which relies on the narrow profile of the staffs to work. The Anacondrai staff is very simple, but it does stand out as it doesn’t feature any printing like the others. Though you could switch out all the tiles for plain ones if you want visual cohesiveness.
The Fangblades are arranged with each one hanging above the corresponding staff.

The light tan base of this section was originally a hold over from the initial design, using pieces from the newer Tournament of Elements, but I feel it matches the sandy-ness of the Lost City of Ouroboros.

Halfway through these, there is uniqueness to all of these, with trying to figure out the best arrangements and how to build up to make it look decent, at least for the prototypes. The finalizations are certainly more tedious, where I am mostly just looking for bricks in the right colors, and that is where I feel the fatigue of similar designs.

I will see you all later!


Ooh this one looks pretty good. I like how the design seems to flow. Very nice


i agree - i like this one a lot!


wait there was a purple one?


It’s Pythor’s


it never appeared in a set sadly, but the Anacondrai did have a staff.