Nocturn the Condemned

can you give it to me, i want it, its AWESOME!

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This is very creative. It makes me want to build a nocturn now.


This is one amazing MOC. The Gearbox looks complicated yet is built thoughtfully and in an interesting way. The head looks menacing and overall stands out a lot. I like the way you made the chain-like weapon to replace the tentacle and the way you replaced the swords for Umarak/Skull Grinder/A lot of the skull villains swords. The colours flow well and mach up to the original look of nocturn while STILL using CCBS parts along with ordinary Bionicle parts. Also the fact that nocturn is also one of my personal favourite sets is also a thing that I was happy about when I first saw this. I think this set deserves a MOC spotlight!

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It would be funny if he had a squid launcher
All jokes aside, this is an interesting moc, and my favorite part is the mouth

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