I decided to start Oregon Trail, and I need four others to join me! the first four people to post on the topic will be added.
I’m probably gonna die!
I’ll joineth
i want in
May I join your futile endeavor brave journey across uncharted wilderness?
And, that’s it! Thanks for playing. Are you ready to die?
Lead on, and let me show you all how dying’s done!
- Miraculous
- Fangface
- Waj
- Gyro
- Marendex
#Aight. Let’s set off on our epic trail!
Pick a number between 1 and 6
Three (3).
I’ll pick 6.
edit: why did someone like this
Since everyone voted for a different number, I found the average, which is 5. Our journey starts in July. We have $1600
Here’s what we can buy. The name next to the product is the person who decides how much we need. Please be reasonable. We don’t have the money for a hundred oxen and a million pounds of food.
- Oxen- @MiraculousPrime
- Food (in lb.)- @fangface1
- Clothing- @Waj
- Ammunition- @Gyro
- Spare Parts (give me three numbers)- @Marendex_T17
How much for how many
20 cents per pound of food.
$2.00 for 20 shots.
$10.00 for each pair of clothes.
$10 for each spare part.