Okay Mr. Humble, no need to be a braggart
please don’t arrest me
[quote=“Heyzorks, post:7574, topic:15080, full:true”]
@Spiderus_Prime eats bacon while in pig form
[/quote] oh no
rukah I’m starting to think you’re doing this deliberately
it’s getting worse with each chapter
i think we might be discouraging Rukah from writing
Argh not again
The shiny man wishes to know why his story is constantly being taken out of context!
Also, the shiny man is not deliberately doing this!
guess bats weren’t good enough, huh?
one of my posts got deleted, signifying that maybe it’s time to stop Out Of Context-ing Rukah’s story
The shiny man says that maybe you shouldn’t have gone that far
That true racie?
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
an oldie but a goodie
You see it’s funny because…
It’s funny ok?
That’s it
you’ve earned a lifetime comedy award, friend