
guys the open beta is here
wait most of you pre ordered it
so you got it early :sob:


FYI, the open beta is live.

Sometimes I wonder what makes people think that giving out free games is a good business practice. Last time I checked, Blizzard is a large game company. You know what the main goal of a company: creating profit. And how does Blizzard or any other company in existence, for the matter, create profit? They sell their products.

Riddle me this: in what way is Overwatch unmarketable and not worth profiting off of? Is it because it’s a first-person shooter? Open up Steam, GOG, Google, whatever you fancy and look up first-person shooters. A vast majority of the games you find are not or weren’t initially free to play, so it can’t be that. Let’s also look at the ten best-selling games for 2015: out of the ten, four were first-person shooters.

Video game companies create video games in order to sell them for profit. There is nothing wrong with Blizzard selling a game they have created. It is, in fact, the main goal of the company.


So… I mostly play Reinhardt on offense, and Bastion, D.Va, Widowmaker, or Symmetra on defense (depending on what the team needs). I also play Soldier 76 or Reaper if there’s not a specific need. I’m trying to learn Zenyatta because he seems cool.

Is the beta open for consoles and pc?

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It’s official. I’m hooked and that ain’t changing anytime soon.


Yes, as of May 5th (in Blizzard time, which is East Coast, I think) OverWatch beta is open to PC players and console peasan- I mean, players.

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I can’t play the open beta till 4:00 on saturday
and only saturday
and I’m not even sure If i can run it
I cry inside

Seems to run on a variety of machines pretty well thus far. Can’t say for sure without knowing what your specs are like though.


My biggest problem is that I’m pretty sure my processor and Graphics card are out of date

I tried this game, thinking it was probably going to be another Titanfall or Evolve, but it was actually really good. BASTION IS LOVE, BASTION IS LIFE

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I agree. Bastion is a fantastic game.

Oh, you meant the–oh.

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Bastion is also extremely overpowered.

His turret form makes quick work of anyone, and any damage you do to him he can nullify by using his self-repair. Sure, Genji’s katana deflect makes quick work of him, but if you’re playing as a different class, you’re not surviving.

It really hurt when I jumped into a match and the entire opposite team was Bastion…

EDIT: Scratch that first part. I’ve encountered something worse than Bastion…


Now that the open beta is over, anyone want to share their overall thoughts of the game?

I’ll start by saying it’s one of the most fun shooters I’ve ever played, up there with Tribes: Ascend and PlanetSide 2 for me. It’s unlike any other game on the market, and incredibly well balanced. All the people saying Bastion is OP have clearly never seen what a good Widowmaker, Genji, Pharah, Tracer, or Junkrat can do. Also, Reinhardt’s charge one-shots him. However, a mobile and sneaky Bastion can be invaluable to a defense. As long as there isn’t an enemy Soldier 76 who can aim, that is. In fact, about the only OP thing in the game in my opinion is Soldier 76. As a Soldier main, I can confidently say that although he doesn’t hard counter anyone, his combined mobility, survivability, damage output, and team utility is disgustingly good in almost every situation, and there’s pretty much no counter to a good Soldier 76 player.

I’m not going to say he isn’t, but after only one week, I think it’s too early to say he is. Yes, he can heal damage done to him … if he’s still alive. He’s really relatively fragile if you can burst him down quickly enough from range or stun him.

Really, I’m just going to be spending this interim until release thinking about all the times I came across a terrible situation and how a different team composition might have turned it into a win.

I’m going to be just dead inside for two weeks now.


The game runs like a dream but it feels way too floaty for my liking.

Hanzo, Genji, and Widowmaker DESTROY him. I’m not saying he doesn’t need some balancing, but he isn’t straight up overpowered. Besides, before the open beta, he had his own personal Reinhardt shield in turret form.

I think we can all agree that is significantly worse than anything in the game right now.


he also used to have more health and deal more damage at some point

has anyone been watching the overwatch competitive scene though? love me some seagull


Speaking of the competitive scene, you very rarely see Bastion there because of the aforementioned counters to him and how good pros are at playing them. Of course, mobile sneaky Bastion is still solid if you know what you’re doing.

And thank Mata Nui Bastion doesn’t have his shield anymore. That was so ridiculously exploitable. However, he does seem to be invulnerable to physics while transforming, which includes Reinhardt’s charge. I hope that’s a bug and they fix it, because charging into a Bastion, which is normally an insta-kill, and passing right through him because he transformed last second is incredibly frustrating.

IIRC he couldn’t turn 360 degrees at that point though.

Very little so far, but I’m looking forward to more.

[quote=“pizzacheetah, post:78, topic:4072”]
Speaking of the competitive scene, you very rarely see Bastion there because of the aforementioned counters to him and how good pros are at playing them.[/quote]
The couple games I saw had a few bastions. I never saw Torbjorn though. But then, that’s pretty much in line with what the dev team has been saying. Not all heroes are equally viable at all skill levels. Bastion and Torbjorn have little high-skill presence while (from what I’ve seen) Zarya is rare in low-skill.

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I really want an Overwatch movie now.