Pohatu, the ancient Toa of Stone, is well liked by the other Toa for his rock-solid dependability. The Tohunga revere Pohatu as the spirit that inhabits every rock and stone, constantly watching over them in their daily lives. They are careful not to anger him, though, being fearful of the landslides an enraged Pohatu can unleash.
The slow moving Pohatu is immensely strong, and he can literally move mountains. His power is so great that he can cause massive boulders to explode like a bomb, and can guide the path of rolling rocks and debris with great precision. Pohatu’s only fear is water, since he doesn’t know how to swim and will sink like a stone.
I polled my instagram audience after posting Tahu on which Toa they wanted to see the most. Pohatu was much more popular than I expected. Only one point behind everyone’s favorite Kopaka. Pohatu came together very quickly and I’m very happy with the result.
My Toa Nuva remakes are complete. Stay on the lookout for more. Happy 20th anniversary, Bionicle!
I am unfamiliar with your style, but this hardly evokes Pohatu outside of the colors and claw weapon. It is well-designed, however. Looks very feral and I like the bulky head.
The build looks SPECTACULAR. But whats with the head? Not a fan. There arent any distinct features like eyes or a mouth. but everything else is awesome
I wish more people were open to experimentation like this. Unfortunately, a lot of people only have one way of looking at these characters in their minds and anything that breaks outside of those parameters and defined traits is questioned.
I, however, love this take! Totally evokes the spirit aspects of the Toa.
Curious to hear why you don’t like the animal-like appearance for a Toa. In the Legend of Mata Nui booklet from the Quest for the Masks card game (which, as an aside, happens to be where I’m getting these descriptions) Lewa is described as being “almost monkey-like in form”. I thought the idea of Toa with animal-like features was a cool twist. It opens up more options for what a Toa may or may not look like.