‘Poisonous Scourge’
Just a spider/visorak build I wanted to try, and I was pleased by the outcome!
This is very impressive. How did you stick the metru armor to the av-matoran arm?
Very good MOC! Those socket connectors used as tips of legs really give feel of a spider. Interesting color distribution on legs. Which parts are actually its eyes, the red ones, or trans-clear ones?
@Frogbomb518 the Metru armor floats, as in it doesn’t connect to any thing, but it does not fall off, so why not?
@Lesnichiy trans clear are the eyes, as with all the visorak.
That splash of red for the fangs is great. Makes them look like they’re coated with venom or something. Great stuff all round.
This is super well done, it looks fantastic!
Very creative
It can’t be a Visorak, it has eight legs. Really cool work here, the old gold and black are a striking color scheme, and the integration of the Visorak head feels really natural.
Great moc, really digging that leg design, nice to see a spider-like rain with eight legs 10/10
That is amazing! Which set are the clear Bohrok eyes from?
Well, you certainly succeeded in your goals for your MOC! Nice!