[Poll] If Bionicle was ever in a video game such as Fortnite would you play the game?

Ever since I saw Hatsune Miku and the fact she has her own minifigure in the game Fortnite, I thought to myself the thoughts and ideas for the game are endless. Furthermore there is not only a actual Fortnite game but also a Lego Fortnite game as well. And so I thought what if we brought Bionicle back but as fortnite characters. Sure the Xbox game of Bionicle Heroes flopped, but what if there was a way to make things right for the whole Bionicle community to see the good in Bionicle?

Just look, Sokoda put a idea for LEGO ideas of celebrating Bionicle with a diorama and it had over 10,000 supports and on top, Bionicle was voted as one of the top themes by many supporters. So I ask you, if there is a possibility that Bionicle comes back but in Fortnite, would you guys play the game?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I don’t think so, I’m not really into fighting games like Fortnite. Seeing it come back like that (either in the actual Fortnite game or an original game following the same concept) would certainly be interesting though!


I’d play it. I already play Lego Fortnite (not really as much regular Fortnite unless it’s with friends), so seeing a Tahu minifigure would be pretty sick.

That being said, I don’t think Lego would likely do this. From what I’ve seen they don’t seem interested in putting their own IPs in Fortnite. It’s certainly possible, just unlikely.


Definitely yes. I love fighting games, and I’d love to see some bionicle representation in Fortnite or even lego brawls.


My least favorite part of Fortnite is how it plasters pop culture characters everywhere instead of doing its own thing. I’d rather see Bionicle get its own game that fit its style. Don’t really see what Bionicle could add to the already overdone Battle Royale genre, but maybe somebody could come up with something creative.


What about seeing Tahu do the dances in Fortnite?


Depends on what you mean by “like Fortnite”. I like shooter/fighting games so if you mean it like that then yes, I would play it.




You are not wrong about that. I was hoping that if Bionicle were to be renewed but on Fortnite, it would be possible to see some missing nods, such as the Bionicle Heroes characters. You know? I mean the DS version was better, but the GBA felt mediocre, and the XBOX version was not A-ok, but adding the Bionicle Heroes characters in Fortnite as well as some stages would help rectify the mistakes made by the developers in the past. Wouldn’t you say?


Even if there was a Bionicle collab. I would not play Fortnite since I don’t like the game. I didn’t even play for Transformers, of which I’m a greater fan (niether have I played Smite or Overwatch when they had TF collabs.).


I wouldn’t play Fortnite specifically because I just am not interested in Fortnite.

I enjoy shooters, and I like the concept of a Bionicle shooter (even though Heroes was flawed), but like @Sonus said:

Aside from just not really liking battle royale games, my biggest turn-off with Fortnite is this specifically. The game might be popular because of it, but it takes every IP it can get its hands on and grinds them down to soul-less shells.
No IP featured in Fortnite is ever authentically that IP. It’s just Fortnite with an IP coat of paint, and it leads to ridiculous things like Darth Vader dancing to Espresso or Toph from ATLA wielding a gun (she is blind, she cannot shoot), or Godzilla getting shrunk down and warped to fit awkwardly onto a human-shaped animation rig.

All these things don’t respect the IP they regurgitate, they just plaster them over their own thing, and I already don’t really like what that thing is. So putting a Tahu model over a Fortnite character rig, making him do 180 pump shots, and having him hit the griddy would not make me happy, let alone want to play the game.

To agree again with Sonus:

Or at least, I’d rather see a collaboration that respects what Bionicle is/was.

We already have Masks of Power (if it ever gets finished) fulfilling the action/adventure game that Bionicle really suits, but if it were to be adapted into other game genres I think there would be cool ways to do that.

Fortnite isn’t a fighting game, but a completely Bionicle-focused fighting game, I think, would actually be really cool. I could imagine a dozen different unique movesets or playstyles for characters.

I also think a first or third-person shooter would be cool to see again as well, but done better than Heroes. For me, that would probably be something closer to a hero shooter where characters could have unique abilities and attacks rather than just being marginally different like in Heroes, or perhaps something like the Metroid: Prime games.


That’s the part I hate the most about skins as opposed to actual models: there is no one-size-fits-all rigging. This becomes quite apparent on characters like Master Chief, Godzilla, and Optimus Prime where parts of their body are moved quite noticeably to account for them not having a human physique to begin with (arguably, this is less of a problem with Chief, but his proportions are still slightly off in Fortnite).

That, and the game makes no accounting for characters who have no need of weapons (ie. Prime’s arm gun [which exists as an emote], Iron Man’s repulsors and missiles, Godzilla’s breath)… The idea of Fortnite is cool, but it’s really weird playing as a character and being forced to use weapons that character either doesn’t need or straight up wouldn’t use. As a few others have said, I’d far rather have Bionicle at least get more representation than just character skins. For instance, reskin guns as the Inika guns from Bionicle Heroes, or Cordak Blasters, or Thornax Launchers, or whatever, so they fit the characters using them. They already do this with the default melee weapon, why not take a cue from Halo Infinite and do it with guns as well?


Agreed. I think Lego Fortnite offers a pretty good place for that; the stuff that exists in it doesn’t really follow a pop culture theme, so old Bionicle stuff could work with the other builds they have in there already.

Though, because Lego Fortnite is at minifigure scale, the characters would have to be mashed down to minifig scale too… not the end of the world, Sokoda showed that Bionicle minfigures can be really cool. Bionicle pieces would have to be repurposed, such as Thornax launchers as turret/cannon skins, or maybe as decorative things in the furniture packs the game occasionally gives you.


While Bionicle’s inclusion would be very exciting, I would probably be content just to watch footage of the characters in action

I’ve never played fornite and I doubt that any single update could convince me to start now—the mechanics of the base game is what really matters


If I were to formulate a concept for a Bionicle game, rather than a Battle Royale (I believe that is the official term for Fortnite?) the following would be considered as cornerstones of the game’s design:

  • Linear Story: Inclusion of a linear story. The ability to backtrack for collectibles and new mission/dialogue options depending on how and when player is staged within the game akin to Breath of the Wild.
  • Versus Mode: Having a set roster with the ability to unlock new fighters depending on collectibles and story chapters unlocked. An example of how I would model this would be the Tron: Evolution game that featured multiplayer modes based on vehicles and classic disc combat. For Bionicle, I would include a local co-op and online versus mode, but featuring different activites such as Kolhii, classic 1v1, vehicle races, etc.
  • LEGO Battles approach to storytelling: A selection of each team of Bioncle would be included, most likely the popular of the bunch, and each would feature chapters within these chapters, much like LEGO Battles that had each hero and villain chapter as a general level, and each of these held chapters of their own to improve replay ability. After 100% the game, perhaps include a secret chapter that may be either humorous or completely serious. Ideas we may all summarize in future conversation.
  • Diverse mechanics: Each character would have strengths and weaknesses, almost placing them within their own classes that cater to specific types of gameplay. However, the game’s mechanics would heavily reference Bionicle lore.

And that would be a general outline of what I would envision a Bionicle game to be.


Welcome to the Boards.

Given how any amount of Fortnite I’ve had to play was due to circumstances beyond my control, and I have vehemently despised the experience, no I don’t think I would want to see Bionicle make an appearance there, and I certainly wouldn’t be compelled to pick it up in the event Bionicle was represented in some fashion.

We already have several excellent fan games both currently available and in the works, so I don’t know why the aspiration to have it feature in the only remotely viable financial venture Epic Games has undertaken.


I don’t play Fortnite so no. Honestly it completely depends on the game itself. There are some games that I wouldn’t really care for even if it had bionicle in it. So would probably just check out the game, look at the bionicle stuff and then not play the game again for a month.