Post-G1 BIONICLE Canon Contests Discussion Topic

Yay no more extra spicy drama. I can peacefully decanonise all the Canon Contest winner MOCs, ESPECIALLY Bomonga one

The mocs weren’t canon anyway, only the artwork was.


If Greg is not a lego employee anymore, can he write story as a fan? It’s absolutely OK as I see.

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To be fair, you could do that before anyways. The end of the contests doesn’t affect the past winners.

Unless Lego specifically bars him from it as terms of his contract (for some reason), yes.

He couldn’t/wouldn’t read or write fanfiction in the past since it could have hypothetically caused legal troubles, but that would no longer be a concern.

Whether or not he will actually do it is another question though, especially with the new story that he’s in the middle of writing.


I’m really glad that hosting non-canon canon contests is being at the very least, considered. I think that these contests would invite less vitriol due to the fact that all of the results would be unofficial.

Since BS01 is no longer a factor here, the remaining contests could all feasibly be FFAs, with artwork and mocs alike having the opportunity to win.

Well there’s still this topic

And the youtube comments section

And PMs

And the survey


I’d love to see some fanon contests.

But I’d also really like to see “character design” contests or “reimagining” contests. This community got soooooo lost in the sauce over Metru torsos and armor colors and sword barbs. It’d be so incredibly refreshing to see a contest where every pre-conceived notion can be thrown out the window and every minute detail doesn’t have to be looked at under an electron microscope to make sure it’s 100% whole-wheat, non-GMO, Kosher CANON.

I’d like to see a contest where entries like those from @PoorDisadvantaged and @CZQ actually stand a chance in the running, because not only are interpretations like those technically impressive, but they’re just phenomenal character designs.

Just look at these beautiful Helryx designs that were essentially non-factors because they were nowhere near canon compliant:

Or take a look at basically any of the Bionicle wave collabs from Flickr. Some of my favorite interpretations of the characters in a long time that go beyond revamps.

Everyone was saying “we can have more impressive MOCs once we get to the characters that are more unique.” Well, I say why not have them now? And why not apply them to all characters, regardless of if we’ve seen them or not?

People have this very narrow idea of what Bionicle characters need to be. For a very long time I’ve wanted to see something done that throws all of that away and really tries to elevate what was already there.


What makes you say that @CZQ 's entry doesn’t “fit” the “Bionicle aesthetic”? That was one of my favourite entries in that whole contest.


Yeah, the TTV crew didn’t really approach mandating rules in the best manner.

A big issue with any sort of contests like these ever happening again on the boards is that, unless staff heads it, only masters can make them, and they MUST provide a physical prize of some kind. The canon contests had a far bigger kind of prize involved - the opportunity for your design to become BIONICLE Canon - and it’s kind of hard to match something like that with a realistic budget.

Now I would be willing to start up some kind of frequent contest with a much lower-stakes prize, like a LEGO gift card or something, and I’d definitely change the theme up frequently, but how many people would be interested in something relatively low-stakes in comparison? Would it generate the same kind of turnout?

It’s an interesting concept, to be certain. But I think there’d be a disconnect between the people who like to build Metru clones and the experienced Flickr builders who build wacky enough to wipe the floor with their competitors.


I never said it did. CZQ’s Helryx was actually my top pick for most of the contest.

But just go and read a majority of the comments on that entry. It pretty quickly got bogged down by talk about the presence of barbs on the mace and her height compared to actual Toa sets.

Both very good points.

As far as turnout goes, I don’t think any contest can hope to match the enthusiasm generated over the potential to make your design literal canon. But at the very least, the desire to continue holding contests just for the community to have something to do seems to be there.

And you’re definitely right that, for MOCs at least, the disconnect between the elite few who can pull those builds off and the general majority is pretty large.

That’s not to say I don’t think we could see some amazing interpretations from people who aren’t the Flickr Overlords, though. There’s been a lot of MOCs on the Boards recently that I think still hit the mark. For me, it’s more so about the design and creativity than about if X character sits well in a line-up of official sets.

Allowing artists to compete as well would also be a way to make such kinds of contests more accessible. :smirk:


If we make the “what if” contest. I want them to be “the contest”. Meaning I do not want multiple small ones but the one centralised contest that as many as possible take part in. So it gains legimacy as succesor contest unlike smaller contests would.

And I don’t need a reward. Only want date and time so I can prepare my moc in time. Have a large amount of people see it and see how my moc would have done against others.

Tl:dr. I want a succesor contest with large participation rate. Instead of many smaller ones on multiple sites.

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So like, one big contest for all of the characters as opposed to individual contests for each character?

I feel like I’m misunderstanding your post

No; one contest across the community for each character, rather than a bunch of separate contests run by anyone who felt like making one.

There’s not much point in holding a “community fanon” contest if a bunch of other people are also going to claim that their contest winner is the “real” community fanon.


What @TheJerminator said.

Although the canon contests were sadly canceled mostly due to Greg’s firing, what do you guys think about holding a fan contest (knowing fully well that it won’t canonize anything) that would let us know who the winners would have been in the MOC portion and Art portion for Tuyet, Lariska, Zaria, Chiara, Orde, Nidhiki, Varian, the Golden-Skinned Being and Marendar if these continued regardless of what happened?
They can be hold here or in YouTube so the one with the most hearths or likes (without using 2nd accounts or anything to vote as well) wins while being reviewed by a council of popular Bionicle content creators in a Livestream such as Duckbricks, LegomationStudio, All-Out-Brick, perhaps Play Stippling? and more for the last verdict. I’m no expert in holding contests, just throwing my hat in to try and help the community after this.
The ones I’m more excited to see that haven’t got many models of are: Chiara, Varian, the Golden-Skinned Being, and Marendar. Heck, we can even try to find out how Lein, the builder of the Toa canisters, Johmak, and others from that planned list could’ve looked like.


If the winners end up at least in the trivia section in their respective BS01 page, I think we could have a good community fanon contest.

I don’t like the idea of using likes to choose a winner, I don’t think that really shows what would be the winner if we continue with the same voting method that past contests (which I think is the best way to chose the winner)


Whatever the community does to bring these back in some sort of way i’ll be happy, i wanted really bad to see those models being canonized. It enriches the world of Bionicle builds such as Krakua, Helryx, Arthaka, Dark Hunters, Rahi, Toa Hagah, Nikila, Miserix, and others.


Pretty much this.

I like contests, I just didn’t like the canon contests because they made things canon. I will say, in a presumably useless token of good will, that it’s unfortunate for all the people who wanted the contests to continue that they’ve been shot down.

Anyhow, I’d support further non-canon contests just for the fun of it, so long as every minute detail isn’t regulated and all the charm of imagining a character isn’t footnoted away for strict accuracy.

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If (and that’s a pretty big if) BS01 and other wikis were even willing to display unofficial contest winners, there are other things to consider.

I’m seeing a lot of sentiment that future contests should be more relaxed with the canon, and that just takes the results one more step away from “true canon”; I doubt BS01 would be willing to host such contest results, especially since they’d be unofficial.

I personally wouldn’t be interested in any contest that doesn’t strictly adhere to canon, and I wouldn’t want to see anything less hosted on BS01; we have the Custom Bionicle Wiki for that.

(Note, though, that when I say “strictly adhere to canon”, I will also admit that some of the rules of these past contests, and ones being discussed for the future, could have stood to be more flexible)


For me is the complete opposite. I liked the canon contests because they made things canon. That’s what really made them interesting and got me involved in them.

I doubt someone would be against non-canon contests (those already existed), but other than saying cool MOC, my interest would be minor.

What I would like is that we could agree that “new canon” is made by we, the fans, since Lego won’t be touching BIONICLE G1 again. That way BS01 could still show the “canon” version.


The issue there is… All of the major community leaders are at war with each other.

MaskOfDestiny and its affiliated groups despise TTV, the feeling is mutual enough for both sides to get into catfights on social media, and I don’t think the community as a whole is going to agree on anything any time soon, much less an acceptable fanon contest and deciding who gets to host it.

Plus, after the recent fighting I’m not sure anyone would trust either party to represent the community in any official capacity any time soon. It’d have to be a third party, someone as neutral as physically possible.

Well on Nak n Jay they mentioned something about Brickonicle returning… Brickonicle canon contests when

That would definitely be a unique avenue to explore. If enough people were interested in the idea, I might be willing to try hosting something like that.