Potential 2020 Constraction theme speculation (?)

It probably won’t be a straight adaptation. I think it’ll be only loosely based of the main plot. And I’m not even sure if a book adaptation would be considered a licensed theme.[quote=“thewimpykid, post:17, topic:51251”]
I don’t think they’re doing it just for Just2Good. There are other Nintendo fans besides Just2Good. You do realize that, right?

Obviously no, but I’m pretty sure they thought how he’ll heavily promote it.


That’s one thing I find interesting. Would this open it up to other classics of literature? Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, or North and South? JTTW is also a play, could that open up other stage plays in lego form? I for one, would love a Phantom of The Opera theme.

This possibility excites me more than you know.


It is still an original theme. “Original Theme” usually refers to themes that aren’t tied to any pre-existing IP. So even if this theme will be an adaptation of Journey to the West, it will still technically count as an original theme.
Not to mention, I highly doubt this theme will be more than a loose adaption of Journey to the West at best. It could very easily turn out to be another vehicle-based theme that barely has anything to do with the source material.


Yeah… That’s probably what will happen. Vehicle based themes sell.

I don’t even know that much about JTTW to be honest, it’s simply that the prospect of lego adaptations of classic literature and theater excites me.

If Lego is making sets based off of books, then that excites me. That means we could get Percy Jackson sets.

Or maybe not, because then they’d just make Percy drive a bunch of random motorcycles and helicopters. That would be awful…

I doubt that, simply because it’s too new I feel.

The thing about classic literature is that it has a much broader appeal, and it’s alot cheaper to get the rights.

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We’re getting off the original topic, but by that logic, then we could get Shakespeare play sets…with a bunch of oversized jeeps and weirdly proportioned aircraft.

I’m still Mad, both Angry and Insane. I’m Tired of Waiting and Doing Nothing, I just want Constration to come back. it really feels like they Starving and Torturing us and I can’t take it!

I would but… I’ve just been through a lot sense G2’s Unfair Death and I’m sorry for being in this Bad Mood


It’s fine. I want more constraction, too. I don’t care if it’s Bionicle G3 or some new theme. I just want some form of buildable action figures from Lego.


I’m still Mad, both Angry and Insane. I’m Tired of Waiting and Doing Nothing, I just want Constration to come back. it really feels like they Starving and Torturing us and I can’t take it!

Don’t be naive, they’re workin’ on it.


The original LEGO Ideas submission for the Pirates of Baracuda Bay was basically a completely new idea that wasn’t made in LEGO before, but the finalized set ended up being 2 in 1. One of the builds is a shipwrecked island, similar to the original submission, and the other build is a revamp of the Black Seas Baracuda… one of the most iconic Pirates sets that fans of that theme have wanted a re-release for years.

So perhaps if Sokoda’s Bionicle project gets approved, maybe we might also see some sort of 2 in 1 feature in the finalized set… Maybe a buildable Mata Nui Robot or something like that.
So who knows? We might get some sort of “Constraction” build with the finalized set if it gets approved.


It’s normal for Lego to do that. They take the design of the project designed by the fan, translate it into a set, and then add their new spin on it. Take the dinosaur skeletons set. That set had dinosaur skeleton displays, like the original project said, but it also had a paleontologist minifigure and a “Lego Sapiens” skeleton (a hilarious addition). So chances are, they’ll add their own twists on Sokoda’s project. Knowing them, they’ll probably add some kind of G2 thing to appeal to the G2 fans.


so uhh… Christian Faber outright said Lego now considers constraction to not be environmentally friendly compared to traditional system parts…

I would do a Wall of AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but I’ll keep that to my self…


Wait, did HE say that, od did say that Lego TOLD him that?

Because, consider Lego’s biodegradable plastic initiative, that sounds like a load of poppycock to me.


Faber hasn’t worked for LEGO in years, and he is probably ignorant about LEGO’s current plant-based plastic initiative. If plant-based plastic works for normal system bricks, why couldn’t it also work for Constraction/CCBS?
So yeah, despite what Faber might have said, I don’t think we should quickly jump to conclusions like that.


Too Late. I already Had a Freakout and I Screamed and Cried.
whatever. I just heard somebody on the BZPower Discord said that… well Christian Faber said that on the It was in a livestream he did on instagram.

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He’s already made it quite plainly transparent that whatever he’s planning isn’t going to be a product line of any kind, much less constraction. I hate to burst your bubble, but the nails were already in the coffin there.


I already knew that. but I thought he said LEGO isn’t gonna make anymore constraction sets

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Okay, yeah, basically what LegoDavid said. When Faber was working for Lego, it was strictly because they were dealing with Advance which he was a part of, and they haven’t been partners since Bionicle was first cancelled as far as I’m aware. So regardless of Faber’s opinions on the pieces, it has no bearing on what Lego as a company is going to be doing with any of its products in future.


It doesn’t add much to the conversation but wasn’t Faber involved in creating the recent Lego moon landing video? Plus, I thought Advance both directed and produced Invasion from Below?