Power Levels-Bionicle Vs. Ninjago

It came back in a power up, not as an actual moveset the Ninja use.

Perhaps psionics is related to whatever stuff the Toa’s minds are made of? Silicon, perhaps, if we liken them to our own computers, or grey/white matter, if we liken them to ourselves? That could explain most of the psychic powers I can think of. [quote=“thewimpykid, post:19, topic:51611”]
Yes, that does mean every character in Bionicle is technically naked

Well there go most attempts at “human BIONICLE”'s credibility.

I feel that this argument needs to be a bit more organized. I think we need to pick one Ninja and one toa and compare them two together rather than comparing all Ninja to all toa.

[quote=“Hawkflight, post:22, topic:51611”]
Perhaps psionics is related to whatever stuff the Toa’s minds are made of? Silicon, perhaps, if we liken them to our own computers, or grey/white matter, if we liken them to ourselves? That could explain most of the psychic powers I can think of.[/quote]

Silicon would probably fall under either Iron, Earth, or Stone. It also wouldn’t explain how Toa of Psionics can use their powers. You can manipulate the literal matter with that power, but how would you be able to read minds and–this being the dumbest part of this element–just move any objects you want with your mind?

And even then, that’s not really how the element is defined. It’s defined as just controlling minds, not brains/processors. How does this imbue telekinesis and “mental blasts of energy?” What the hell does that last one even mean? God, the very notion of “energy” has been so abused in fantasy and I hate it.

EDIT: Furthermore, most other elements are something Toa can theoretically create. Tahu can create fire; Chiara can create electricity; even Krakua can create soundwaves. Toa of Psionics aren’t cited as being able to create minds, just interact with other beings’ thoughts and perceptions. This, fundamentally, makes it either an outlier or just not the same kind of power.

and controlling a mind, or a soul or spirit, separately from a brain argues the existence of psionics or a similar ‘mental’ element. Although I don’t think telekinesis would count under this argument - it starts in your mind but you’re making something happen in the physical realm. Unless we want to argue that psionics is pretty much the Force.

As for ‘mental blasts of energy’, this TV Tropes article was the first thing that came to mind. It includes a handful of BIONICLE specific examples as well.

Saying that Toa of Psionics should create minds reads the same as saying Toa of Psionics should create ears, or Toa of Light should create eyes. Which they can’t, but directly affect those organs; the effects of a Psionics user affect the mind in the same way.

Greg coulda worked around these by saying that there’s some kinda spiritual medium in the Bionicle universe by which consciousness exists/manifests, and that’s what Toa of Psionics control. It woulda been rather convoluted, but it also would have brought it more in-line with the rest of the elements. He, however, is a terrible worldbuilder, and so we got no such justification for this element and how it works.

This is pretty much my main gripe with the element. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure the only reason it’s a thing is just because Greg wanted Jedi Toa.

Then I concede my point about it not being too useful in a fight. A skilled user of this element could make targets believe in truly elaborate illusions and make them think they’re sustaining injuries they haven’t sustained–something which could potentially make them think they’re dying and cause their brain to prematurely shut down, making them die for real. 'Course, unless you’re a nutter like Tuyet, you’re not gonna break the Toa Code like that, but my point stands.

That’s not at all the same. Eyes and ears are the means by which an animal perceives light and sound, not actual facets of light and sound. Minds are literally the entire thing Psionics revolves around; controlling what goes on in them and what they perceive is the whole point of the element.

That was my original idea…before we started to get kinda off topic.

I really disagree with this, but arguing about it would (again) get off topic.

Look, Toa of Psionics aren’t even that common in the storyline, so I’m willing to just abide by it. If you don’t like it, fine, but I’m not gonna waste my afternoon trying to convince you.

Back to what I quoted before, well, I matched up the ninja with Bionicle counterparts in my opening post. In terms of power levels, I can only see a few categories. And from this discussion, I can see some answers.

Elemental Powers-I’m still not sure who wins. Again; there’s a chance that it could vary from matchup to matchup. But that’s kind of what I’m trying to figure out.

Physical Capabilities-in terms of agility and speed, the ninja could very well match the Toa. But since the Toa have superior strength and endurance, I think they win this round.

Additional Abilities: Spinjitzu vs. Kanohi masks. With the wide variety of Kanohi mask powers, surely the Toa would win.

Though the first round is still undetermined, the Toa win the other two rounds. I’d still like to know exact numbers of whose elemental power exceeds the other, but since the Toa win 2/3, then that makes them the superior warriors.

Like I said earlier due to Nova blasts I think toa win this as well.

I would be interested in seeing how one toa vs one Ninja would go.

that would have worked in the first three years of BIONICLE, but after Doing in the Wizard and adding in more tech elements, it’s hard to look at the world outside a pseudo-scientific perspective.

What is the point of light, but for us to see it? What is the point of sound, but for us to hear it?

Philosophy notwithstanding, Psionics could be another type of wave, just like light (sometimes) and sound, that transmits information directly to some sixth sense that’s connected to brain activity.

Anyway, I haven’t watched the newer seasons of Ninjago but I’m fairly certain that, unless the Ninja have more abilities than just making their element appear around them plus an extra ability from their true potential:tm:, the Toa win by a landslide.

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For real though, the two groups would come to understand that they have a lot in common and eventually team up against the real villains.


LOL true. But that gives me another idea: what about ninja vs. Makuta/Rahkshi/Barraki/Piraka/etc? Or Toa vs. Overlord/Lord Garmadon/Nindroids/Anacondrai cultists, Nadakhan/Serpentine/Skullkin/Blizzard Samurai/what have you? That would be the ultimate matchup.

Absolutely nothing that happens in Bionicle obeys the laws of physics, or even comes close to doing so. There are multiple magic systems in place; adding another wouldn’t cause a lot of problems.

Heat, deadly radiation, radio/microwaves…the most dangerous light is really the kind we can’t see. And that has no bearing on my point; we can perceive light or we can not, but it’s still there.

It’s a very real vibration in the air. There is no “point” to anything that exists; the universe does not exist for us to perceive it. What is the point of fire except to burn us, water except to drown and sustain us, rocks but for us to stub our toes on? Also, what were we arguing about, again?

That is, to a tee, what I proposed earlier: some kind of extra magical substance/form of energy by which consciousness exists and can be altered.

If American politics have taught me one thing, it’s that that ain’t happenin’, brotha.

Bionicle’s power scaling is too nonsensical for us to be sure how that would work out. In the early years, when there was just one Makuta, the species was played up as insanely OP; Vakama only beat one by tricking him and then imprisoning him in Friendshiponium. In '08, they’re only on par with one Toa, give or take. Same with the Piraka, except that happened in literally one year’s time.

This is why I don’t think very highly of Greg as a writer.

The most dangerous light is the really bright light, the kind that blinds us.

Oh, please. First off, the Bionicle and Ninjago universes are NOT affiliated with American politics. And isn’t the whole point of crossovers for our favorite characters to team up?

Vakama didn’t beat Makuta Teridax with just his own powers; he and his five teammates combined their powers, much like the Tornado of Creation. And in 2001, the Makuta species was probably just talked about like that because the Matoran didn’t know everything about him, and therefore feared him because for all they knew, he could wipe them out with a wave of the hand.

And as for the Piraka, the Toa Inika were quite different from the Toa Nuva. The Toa Nuva were just Toa of their respective elements, while the Toa Inika had their own powers intertwined with lightning.

And not the kind that gives us tumors?

I don’t think you understand my point. If there are 2 parties, they WILL fail to find common ground at every possible opportunity. Do you live in the Colonies? Because if you do, you should know about this by now.

I didn’t say he did. Literally the entire point of mentioning that fight is the fact that he couldn’t fight Terry head-on and only sealed him with help.

…and he nearly wiped the floor with a full team of 6 Toa. The original story direction would have basically made him a cosmic entity of Lovecraftian proportions; he was going to be godlike in power. This was just retconned as the story went on.

Oh yeah, that makes SUCH a big difference…how? They didn’t get full control over Lightning as an element, their normal attacks just had added “shock value.” And Matoro, in particular, didn’t really have much use for this, as ice is a poor conductor.

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I honestly did not know that light could give us tumors. Wow.

I live in California. And I have never said that they’d always be 100% on the same side. Both in fiction and in real life, nobody will ever agree on every little thing. I get your point, but MY point is that if both the Toa and the ninja recognized who the real bad guys were, they would put aside their differences to work together to stop the bad guys.

That’s Bionicle storytelling for you, mate. Sorry if you don’t like it, but it’s the way it is.

Exactly. They had something that the Toa Nuva did not. I was always under the impression that their “laser” weapons could shoot lightning.

It would be a whole different story with Hahli, since she’s the Toa of Water. But the rest? Not so much.

Gamma rays are light. Radiation–the kind that kills you–that’s light. The Sun is a deadly laser.

It may be lousy storytelling, but it also seriously throws a wrench in any attempt to construct a good death battle because we can’t know exactly WHAT level a Makuta would be on.

Can’t think of a much better explanation for what those lasers were in the comics. Still, this is one additional attack they have in their repertoire. Against beings who could own the Toa Nuva, this alone, plus the enhancements to their native elements, doesn’t really sound like enough of a determining factor for its usage in canon to make sense.

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I don’t see why organic not-robots or tornado ninjas would care about American politics. Besides, who would be the Republicans, and who would be the Democrats?

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Frankly, I’m rather sad I didn’t think to create a Makuta vs. Lord Garmadon matchup, or any other bad guy vs. bad guy matchups. But of course, Makuta Teridax would WASTE Garmadon.

In fact, here’s some more matchups that could be interesting.

Lhikan vs. Sensei Wu
Krekka and Nidhiki vs. Kruncha and Nuckal
Keetongu vs. Master Chen
Axonn vs. Dareth
Brutaka vs. Morro
Gadunka vs. Cryptor
Roodaka vs. Harumi
Vezon vs. Skylor
Tuma vs. Akita
Stronius vs. Kozu
Ackar vs. Okino
Gresh vs. Captain Soto
Kiina vs. Ronin

Oh, I could go on and on…

Pretty sure we were talking about what the Toa create - Fire Toa create fire, Sonics Toa create sound, Psionics Toa create ‘mental energy’ which operates on its own plane. You said Psionics Toa should be able to create their own mind, while I said they should have powers that affect the mind, like Toa of Light have powers that affect our eyes.

Which has nothing to do with the original topic at hand.

Axon versus Dareth? Shouldn’t you pair him up with someone more his speed? Like Dareth vs. good guy? I like Dareth, but he’s a dead man.