I have a question about the description of Nidhiki’s Air Scythe in “Birth of a Dark Hunter”.
During his fight with Lariska, the text reads: “This time he sent elemental air power from both sides of his tool, bracketing her.”. Is Nidhiki’s Scythe a traditional one with a single blade or a double bladed scythe?
Maybe its something like two blades, one next to the other in a single axle like Teridax’ staff of shadows or two different sized blades placed in different parts of the scythe, similar to Hidan’s scythe from Naruto.
In order to “bracket” Lariska, though, the air would have to come from two opposing directions, so I doubt it would have both blades going the same way. The fact that it says he sent air from both “sides” of his tool rather than “ends” would also imply that the pickaxe design is the most likely.
I do hope we get a Nidhiki canon contest, though I hope the Lariska one happens first. Honestly, if we can only get one more, I hope it’s her, rather than Tuyet.
Well, I’m making Mangai Mocs with double tools, like Lhikan, but they can have a function, like Lhikans, or the other way around, singular tool, but the function splits it and uses both parts.