This is my build for @Takutanuva’s Community Project: Let’s Build Rahkshi Kaita. This Kaita is build from the parts of Panrahk, Kurahk and Vorahk
I wanted to use the Rahkshi Spines as Legs.
This is my build for @Takutanuva’s Community Project: Let’s Build Rahkshi Kaita. This Kaita is build from the parts of Panrahk, Kurahk and Vorahk
I wanted to use the Rahkshi Spines as Legs.
This guy looks so weird I love it!
Woah, it’s like a chimera! Neat.
Nice build, but unfortunately you did not reserve the spot as I had specified. This combo was already claimed by @Ghid so his combination will be the one that I link in the post.
Best I can do is an honorary mention unless you remake this in a different available combination. I hope you do, because this looks really cool IMO
He could just switch out some colors cuz the Rahkshi are clone sets.
which colours are still available?
Ye ye, either that or if @Ghid consents to switch. But he had first claim on it
I won’t mind to switch colours I have all six of them
14-17 These are available still. There are also more available combinations, but I just haven’t put all of the different possible combos up yet because I am bad. I’ll work on opening those slots though
Can I reserve 14? Brown, Black, White?
Yessir, all yours. If you swap the colors you can just delete this post and make a new one and I will link that one
I changed the post.
He looks the same except for the colors
But that really doesn’t change anything.
Good job
I like the changes you made to the backspikes, an improvement I’d say
Moved topic to Creative content.