In a distant future, six Toa descend deep into murky depths far away from the coast of Okoto. One such Toa is Matoro, a hesitant Master of Ice. Armed with his Ice Hooks, Cordak Blaster and his trusty Mahri Dagger, Matoro is sure to prove his bravery, even if it means wearing a cursed, ancient mask…
That Cordak blaster is so clever.
I absolutely love this MOC. It looks so good. I love the sand blue and the Cordak blaster.
Simply fantastic. The design manages to stay true to the character, and the cleaner, streamlined look of CCBS really fits for the underwater environment. His Cordak Blaster has a neat design, too.
Will you be doing any of the other Mahri?
Now this, this hits extremely close to home for me. Funnily enough, I though Matoro was the leader of the Toa when I was a kid. I watched that trailer so many times and thought that since Matoro ended with the Mask of Life, he was the leader, which was kind of flawed logic, but I was a kid, so that’s common.
Anyways, just looking at this makes me want to build it myself and even built the rest of the Toa Mahri in the same fashion. Unfortunately, I currently don’t have access to my stuff or can get the pieces online at the moment.
Nonetheless, thiss is really great!
Looks fantastic! my only minor gripe would be that he looks a bit bland, mainly on the chest.
THIS IS AMAZING!!! Perfect update to the old figure.
Dude this is absolutely spectacular!!!
I love the way you used those sand blue shells, and that cordak blaster is brilliant.
Are you gonna remake any of the other Toa Mahri?
He looks a little stumpy, but I love him anyways! Genius!
I hope you do more of the Mahri, in terms of design they’re some of my favorites!
The sand blue works so well with this MOC, and he just looks really good.
Awesome MOC.
Favourite revamp I’ve ever seen, hands down, you deserve infinite praise
You really are the greatest bionicle MOCer on the boards. Every creation I see from you is amazing! This one’s no exception. The Kordak blaster is really clever.
I love it!
It is very recognizably Matoro and yet still has the polished, smooth, G2 aesthetic
I love the design! It works wonderfully, and the Cordak Blaster design is especially creative.
Amazing work dude!
This is great.
In my opinion the chest armour looks a tad odd, but I really love this MOC.
I love the minimalistic and clean style of all your MOCs and wish the actual sets we got through 2015-2016 were much closer to your designs and/or interpretations.
[spoiler]0/10 tho, no gold Ignika
/s ;)[/spoiler]
I would very much like to see how Jaller Mahri would look like, heck all of the Mahri.
I love the cordak blaster, this whole moc is so well made
It looks so streamlined. I love it!
I really didn’t like the Mahri in hindsight, and Matoro had it bad in my opinion. But this looks sooo good and it still looks like the old Toa Mahri, I love it!
And I love how these are Masters off the coast of Okoto. I love it when people run anthologies and counterparts between G1 and G2.