REBOOT: Tahnok, Fire Burrower

that is really awesome!
the mechanism is very good and i like that its pretty simple!
it’s a solid 8.5/10 for me :+1:

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this thing looked so cool i just had to try it myself! i wanted to try to make it without cheating with any one the parts. i was also able to shorten the brain stalk. i also wanted to only utilize currently produced parts. thats why the teeth are different.
does anyone have the parts to make a green one? and a ice one?


I’m thinking it’s to clean the island :stuck_out_tongue:



massive flaw

The torso and “shield” is rounded very well, can’t say much to the gimmick-

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The 4 core attributes/aspects of creating a fresh honest representation of a Bohrok must be held in order for the complete representation of what the Bohrok as a toy were loved about.

  1. Being able to transform into a functional semi-ball form.
  2. Having the head lunge function.
  3. Deploying organic brain from the brain cavity as a form of indoctrination of selected targets.
  4. Having a distinct visual appearance of a bettle with large head and torso area with small deployable limbs, two of which are equiped with shield like looking weapons of choice.

Anything following less of this to me represents a sub-race of what the Bohrok are (extreme example being the Bohrok-Va).

Bohrok are indeed difficult to recreate in a new building style because the core aspects of what made the Bohrok Bohrok stem from the old Bionicle system which is obsolete in current constraction parts usage. To be honest to all 4 aspects, one would resort to using a lot of old pieces of the Bohrok, in which the recreation in the new building style has lost its meaning.


You, my friend, are a genius. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me.

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Nice gatekeeping dude :v


Really reminds me of this. Looks awesome.


What is it?

Came from this image somebody sent to me on Discord.

I don’t have the source, sadly.


Definitely the best G2 Bohrok I’ve seen yet. This is really well done.

If I had one complaint it’d just be that the Krana aren’t integrated in any way.


That stumped me, so I ditched trying. I could’ve added a port under the leaf to attach a Skull Spider mask, but that would’ve made the head too bulky.

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You could have used a normal krana. The faceplate is flexible and hollow enough to easily fit one with minimal trouble it appears.

But this is a G2 MOC, and isn’t technically even a Bohrok. You can’t snap a Krana onto a G2 head!


thats what i like about it. this creature is kind of its own thing!

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It doesn’t have to snap on, the rubber of the shell would be flexible enough to hold it in I think. But I do understand your other reservations, so it’s fine if you don’t want to try.

He’s saying you can’t attach a Krana to the Protector head.


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Oh, sorry then. :open_mouth:

Darn you G2 Mask connector!!! Darn you!!!

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