I’ve seen a lot of people complain about Eljay considering blue pins (or other small colour breakers) as a con in his Recap Reviews.
While I too consider it a con, it’s easy to see why people disagree with Eljay’s decision. They do break the colour scheme, but Eljay doesn’t need to continually list it as a con each and every time. It’s clear that Lego isn’t going to fix the colour breakers in future sets, so Eljay doesn’t need to continue listing it as a con.
However, I believe Eljay should continue listing it as a con and it makes sense that he does:
As fans, we watch these reviews as a series, but if any person (perhaps new to Bionicle) wanted to simply see one video, Eljay must include it as a con every time.
They do break the colour scheme. In system sets, we rarely see a break in the colour scheme because Lego is okay with making new colours for pieces. And we have seen them use recoloured white pins in Cahdok and Gahdok, so why not in other Bionicle sets?
I’ve seen many a System set with a broken color scheme. Designers often include brightly colored bricks embedded in models to enhance the building experience. Sometimes these show from the outside and annoy the heck out of me.
Bringing this topic back to life to say I’m making public a video briefly discussing this matter. It’ll be on Vessel exclusively for this week, and then next Tuesday it’ll be on Youtube. Keep an eye out for it, and hope you aren’t someone that “likes” red axles and blue pins.