Salvation: Part II

Blight would follow.

Redstocke jumped in the middle of the improvised arena.
“All right! Till the others come, how about a warm-up match? Mr. Blight? Miss Delta? Would you two be down for a fight?”

Thrift saunters over, and Salvo hops off the workbench to have a look at the peculiar rifle.

“Oh yeah, that one,” Salvo says. “Shockwave brought that one over when you guys rescued him. Not quite sure what it does.”

“Good!” Brainpan replies. “I’m good at guns. And swords, axes, rocket launchers, explosives, fire breath, toxins…”

Laslow shuffled his feet a bit as Salvo stepped next to him.

“Wait, you haven’t tested it yet? In all that time?”

“Ya-a-a-a-@y!” Spectrum cheered.

Zepar was obviously curious when he saw the dragon hologram.

“Slag, no,” Salvo laughs. “I wouldn’t touch anything that comes outta that creep’s mind with a thirty-foot pole.”

“I do remember volunteering myself to test the capabilities of this most unique firearm,” Thrift reminds the quartermaster.

“And I would trust you with anything Shockwave makes for a second,” Salvo retorts, evincing a pained wince from the junkion.

Shockwave, noticing Zepar’s curiosity out of the corner of his eye, looks up at the angelicon.

“Yes?” the cyclops prompts him.

“Did you ever think to ask him?” He asked, looking up at her.

OOC: i assume she’s a head or two taller than him, yes?

“Yeah, I did,” Salvo says, “but he’s been busy with that machine SideStep and Zepar’ve been wanting him to build, and he hasn’t gotten back to me. That, and the zombies and crazy Decepticon splinter group attacking us semi-regularly has kept everybody occupied, I reckon.”

“Though as a weaponsmith myself,” Thrift chimes in, “I, too would be qualified to-”

“I am not even going to let you finish that lie,” Salvo cuts him off, to which Thrift indignantly replies:

“It is not a lie, my dear; I am many things, but a liar is not one of them! Sure, I may tell the odd half-truth here and there, but I would never feed another bot a blatant fabrication!”

OOC: actually, in her unarmored form, I think Salvo would be tad shorter than Laslow.

“I find that highly unlikely.” Laslow said, with an unimpressed look.

OOC: I thought she was armored. That was my line of thought anyway.

“Well I wouldn’t!” Thrift insists.

“…Most of the time, anyway. I suppose it depends on the circumstances of my situation at the moment.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Sorry,” He said, “It’s just that the dragon in your hologram…it looks like it could be some sort of ancient ancestor of mine.”

“Do you think you can make a one-shot killer?”

Thrift huffs, folding his arms over his chest.

“Anywho,” Salvo says. “If you want to figure out what that rifle does, be my guest.”

“It is a possibility,” Shockwave says. “Some individuals forged with draconic alt-modes do possess similarities to the predacons in the structure of their CNA.”

Shockwave pulls the hologram of the predacon back into view. It was a fearsome dragon with a long, powerful body adorned with sharp, spiky armor and four mandibles lined with teeth:

“This one is a clone that Bludgeon ordered me to create, while I was his prisoner.”

“One shot, two shot, red shot, blue shot- I can make whatever you want!” Brainpan boasts.

“Well, not whatever you want- but you get the idea…”

“Do you, uh, mind if I use the ranges?” He asked.

“Not at all,” Salvo says, gesturing to the training room beside the armory.

“That’s what they’re there for.”

“Thank you ma’am” he replies, before hefting the rifle and heading to the ranges.

“No, I mean, can you make me a gun that can kill a bot from only one shot?” she clarified as she stood down, waiting for the ship to take off."

Meanwhile, Gronius was searching for Broadwing.

'But-" Blight quickly protested. “I don’t know how to fight…”

Pixel childishly spun his head around in a circle. “D-dd-do?”