Salvation: Part II

“That’s all right, mr. Blight! You are here to learn to fight.” Redstocker said, waving his hands int he air to make Blight know that his (lack of) fight experience doesn’t matter to him, or to the ones around him.
“I’ll take you easily.” Delta smiled at him as she stood up and broke her knuckles. In her ursagryph mode she was significantly taller than her old mini-bot form, her shoulders being now much wider, being just at the edge of the femininity spectrum, tho still closer to Juliana than to somebody like Strika.

Blight whimpered. “Is this, like a weapons fight, or just fists or-?”

The ranges were empty, save for a few boxy drones, meant for target practice, resting in their charging stations.

“Yes,” Brainpan replies. “That’s what I just said.”

The transport’s engines growl as the ship begins to take off.

Gronius wouldn’t find Broadwing. However, if his search took him to Little Iacon, he might happen upon a ring-shaped platform below the gigantic hologram of the Allspark, with large, forty-foot-tall holo-screens rising from thin, rectangular projectors in the floor. Each one was adorned with a list of names- the names of all the crew members who had died over the course of Salvation’s voyage.


Road Lord









These names, and far too many more, were written in yellow neocybex text, imposed on the shimmering blue field of the holo-screens. Around them, a few bots of either faction had gathered, silently looking up at the screens to find the names of friends and loved ones they had lost.

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Laslow pressed the buttons necessary to activate the drones, then shouldered the rifle.

“That is up for you two to decide.” Redstocker said as he hopped on the opposite tribune.
“I personally don’t care.” Delta said, shrugging, folding her arms to her chest.

"Oh, sorry then. So you can make it.

“Oh…” Gronius said as he read the name, as a result of throwing his view over tge holograms. “Dong won’t like that…” he said as he tried to contact Zepar.

King-Quan listened into the conversation, wondering as to why he kept the Decepticon talk. He did make a point as to why they worked in the dark, perhaps they could see better? He didn’t know because he wasn’t a Decepticon.

He proceeded in raising his metal eyebrow, arching it slightly in almost a sassy look. “Well, you certainly like to talk a lot about them.” He teasingly adds to Greasemonkey.

Zepar nods, “Was it made?” He asked.“If you need a CNA sample, I’m willing to donate some Energon.”

He heard his comlink pinging and picked up the call. (@Toa_Vladin)

“Guess what?” Gronius asked on a darker, more serious tone.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Boradwing got the axe.” he said, intentionally using a more obscure idiom to try to be as far away as this subject as possible.

Zepar immediately leaned on the wall fo Shockwave’s lab as he heard this news. He was trying to say something but was struggling to get one word out.

“Yeah… I get you… I was hating that guy simply for tagging along Song… But now I can’t stop from being sorry, you know…?” Gronius asked, meaning every word, for once letting himself be more emotive towards somebody other than Wildsong.

Five drones come online, activating tiny jets branching off of their bodies and flying out of their cradles to deploy stun guns.

Shockwave is silent as he listens to Gronius and Zepar react to news of the death of Broadwing. For his part, Shockwave had intended to make good on his word, when he promised that he would try and use the Cortical Psychic Patch to repair the damage that he had done to the minds of both Broadwing and SideStep. But beyond that, he hadn’t given the Decepticon much thought- partly due to his absence for much of the past few weeks.

Shockwave didn’t consider Broadwing to be a special case- he was just another mechanimal that he had been tasked with turning into a war beast to serve the Decepticons, and when it became obvious he couldn’t fulfill that purpose, the cyclops had cast him aside. But Shockwave realized now that Broadwing might’ve been remarkable after all: the Decepticon had developed a personality, made friendships, and crafted a life of his own in spite of what he had been subjected to. Shockwave couldn’t take any credit for that; Broadwing had done it all on his own, as well as becoming a hero in his own right during his time aboard Salvation.

Some would say that Broadwing had grown beyond my designs for him, Shockwave thinks. that he found his own purpose in life, rather than accept the one that I attempted to force upon him.

“They are an odd lot, sir,” Greasemonkey says.

“They also make up about a third of the crew,” Topside reminds the engineer. “Maybe you should try and get to know some of 'em.”

“Perhaps when I next find time to do so, captain,” Greasemonkey sighs.

“Yes,” Brainpan repeats, nodding her head.

Laslow whirls to focus on one, then pulls the trigger.

“How much would it take! Can you make two of them?” Song kept asking on her quieter tone.

The rifle emits a sharp buzzing sound as it discharges a bolt of sizzling, yellow energy at the drone, striking the machine just above the stun gun. A lime-green aura washes over the drone as its blue lights flash a pale red, and it swivels around, firing its weapon aimlessly around the training room.

“Yeah, yeah I can make all the guns you want!” Brainpan whispers, lowering her voice to match Wildsong’s volume.

“A scrambler rifle? Doesn’t seem especially lethal.” Laslow commented.

“Huh,” Salvo reacts, stepping behind a pillar to avoid the rampant drone’s bursts of gunfire.

“I was expecting something more hideous and immoral.”

“Knowing shockwave, I have a feeling if that thing was alive it’d be screaming. I honestlydon’t think I want to knowehat it would do to a bot.”

“Eh, good point,” Salvo says. “I gotta find the time to talk to Shockwave about these…”

“Oh! Shoot me!” Thrift volunteers himself as a test subject, raising his hand. “I can take it!”

Salvo looks up at the junkion, giving him a sideways glance.

“Are you clean off your nut, pal?” she deadpans.

“Quite possibly,” Thrift readily admits.