Salvation: Part II

“I’m pretty sure there was never any doubt. Still, I am NOT giving you this thing. No one wants to end up like that.” He said, jabbing a thumb at the drone behind him.

The rampant drone shoots down one of its brethren; the other three drift around their treacherous compatriot, their stun guns twitching as their targeting computers wrestle with the decision on whether or not to open fire.

Suddenly, the afflicted drone’s lights fade back to blue, and the machine stops shooting.

“Well, at least it’s not permanent…” Salvo observes.

“True, I’m still not sure I like the idea of just randomly shooting another bot.”

“Neither do I,” Salvo agrees. “Ignore the crazy man beside me.”

“I can take it!” Thrift insists, creating a metallic clang as he wraps a fist on his chest.

“C’mon, hit me! Right in the-”

Thrift stops as he reconsiders his words.

“-right in the foot!” he decides, pointing at the end of his left leg.

“Ignore him,” Salvo repeats to Laslow.

laslow holds out the rifle. “here, I… think you should probably put this away.” he tells Salvo.

Salvo takes the rifle, holding it in her arms- in her unarmored state, it was larger than she was, though the strength afforded to her by her gigantion origins enabled her to carry it.

“Will do,” she says with a nod of her head. “I’ll be sure to have a word with Shockwave about it.”

"I- um, I can do that for you ma’am!"Laslow suggested, eager to please.

Salvo shrugs her shoulders.

“Be my guest,” she says, a neutral expression on her face.

“I’ll be sure to tell you what he says!” Laslow replies. If an individual was perceptive, he would notice that he simply wanted an exuse to see her again.

Thrift certainly took notice of Laslow’s true intentions (if the junkion had a mouth, he would have smirked), but it was hard to tell if Salvo was as perceptive as the merchant. In any case, the minicon turns and begins to drag the prototype rifle away.

Laslow quickly strides out, to go find Shockwave. Meanwhile, he talked to himself.

Nice job laslow, you just met the girl of your dreams, and you didn’t even try to chat her up! What’s wrong with you!

Well, in my defense, chatting up, never worked in the past. Why would it work now?

Persistence! The Law of averages! Eventually it has to work, right?

And if it didn’t?

There’s always next time

What if I don’t want a next time!?

What are you talking about? there’s plenty of fish in the sea.

I don’t want the next fish!

Well, I want a million Shanix, but i’m not getting it now am I?

What? I don’t want a million shanix.

You don’t?

Wouldn’t you know!? You’re me!



Laslow shook his head to clear it, and found himself outside Shockwave’s lab.

Shockwave could be found silently observing Zepar and Epsilon-5 as they reacted to the news of Broadwing’s death.

Laslow stepped back, not wanting to disturb them.

SideStep transformed and walked up to one of the terminals to try and pull up a list of all the suspects. [quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:5907, topic:49995”]
Pixel childishly spun his head around in a circle. “D-dd-do?”

“d-d-d-do what?” Spectrum asked.

The Splitter brothers began to search for the three people Gronius needed to find.

Shockwave remains silent, though he does turn his crimson eye’s sharp gaze to Laslow.

Along with Facelift, other bots that Security had made note of included Lurch: the barkeep’s lengthy diatribes in tbe Peace and Tyranny threatened the unity between the Autobot and Decepticon crew members aboard Salvation.

A few prisoners were also made special note of, having led an unsuccessful breakout and simultaneous attempt on Shockwave’s life.

Laslow nodded, then exited the room, waiting on the other side of the door.

“Hm.” Sidestep rubbed his chin.
He tried to pull up all the records of Lurch.

On the other side of the hall, Sprocket and Grommet work on separate tasks in their lab.

The records revealed that Lurch had quite a history to him:

The barkeep of the Peace and Tyranny had, early in the Great War, been a spy for the Decepticons- like the Autobot Punch, he once possessed a second robot mode which he used to infiltrate the Autobot intelligence community as an official named Headstone. Reporting directly to Soundwave, Lurch had provided the Decepticons with information on Autobot maneuvers, tactics, and logistics- until the Sixteenth Siege of Iacon, when the Dinobots caught him in the act. To say that Lurch was lucky to have survived would be an understatement, though in the resulting surgeries to piece him back together, he lost his second robot mode and could no longer operate in the field. Since then, he had worked in the Decepticon Secret Police to distribute propaganda and keep tabs on dissenters and potential traitors- including, coincidentally, Bludgeon.

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Sidestep frowned and commed ■■■■■■■■■■■■.
“Hey, have you checked out Lurch’s profile and background? He seems like a pretty likely suspect.”
He closed down the terminal and checked his map for the next nearest location.

“I want two of them. Please, Brainpan, try to make them as soon as we get there.”

“Listen… I gotta go see how the Splitters are doing.”