“This oath I swear to Primus, those that murdered your sister will face my blade and, if they do not bend the knee, shall be sent to the Creator to be judged and I pray that Primus have mercy on their Sparks lest they shall find their fate to be far worse than the fires of The Pit.” Zepar growled, pale purple flames licking the air as he spoke as if the very fires of his rage were trying to escape and lash out to burn all in their path.
Gronius steels himself. That was what he wanted, as well. He didn’t need sympathy, or condolences; he needed to see Bludgeon and the rest of his order pay for Wildsong, and all the other lives they had taken.
“For Wildsong,” he vows. “And everyone else.”
Zepar nods, “Now, let us prove our resolve by earning that second Omega Key.” He said, turning to resume their flight.
Gronius transforms and takes off after Zepar.
Zepar leads Gronius to the fortress.
Gronius follows Zepar to the fortress and lands among the energon crystals around the complex, reverting to robot mode as looking up at the building in awe.
Zepar lets him have a moment to look around before calling for him to follow.
“Oh! Right…” Gronius mutters, following Zepar into the fortress.
Zepar leads Gronius to the chamber he left the Splitter Brothers and Atlantis’ Echo.
Gronius looks around the gallery within the fortress, awestruck.
Atlantis’ echo was still standing beside the Splitter brothers (@meepinater)
“If it’s another insecticon hive with a tractor beam, I swear to Primus…” a Decepticon patron beside Pixel, Juliana and Spectrum mutters, deploying a shotgun from his left forearm.
@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister @meepinater @ProfSrlojohn
But wait! There was something to see, after all: far off , just within Gatecrasher and Epsilon’s field of vision, a tower of metal rises above the treetops, evening sunlight glaring off its surface.
@ProfSrlojohn @BlackBeltGamer98
The Knight ship’s lab, much like the rest of the wreck, was completely without power. The organic components of the bizarre flora choking the machinery had long since rotted away, leaving skeletal metal frames and crumbling circuitry behind in coiling, snake-like shapes.
Redstocker, Alterion, and Delta had left the lab to venture deeper into the wreck, their footsteps echoing outside the lab.
King-Quan would happen upon SideStep, captain ■■■■■■■■■■■■, and Breakswitch as they stand before a doorway built into the base of a mountain, trying in vain to converse with a hard-light sentinel guarding the gateway.
“Ba-weep graaanahg weep ni no bong,” the sentinel repeats in its gravelly, rumbling voice.
“Yes, yes, we know!” Breakswitch groans, rolling her pink eyes.
Epsilon tries to deduce the tower’s function by its design.
From aboard Salvation, this far away, there was little Epsilon could discern about the tower.
Epsilon tries to see if anyone on the ship had any idea what this spire was.
Zepar looks at Atlantis and The Splitter Brothers, introducing the Knight Echo to Gronius and acting a translator for Gronius’s sake.
Sprocket or Shockwave would likely be able to hazard a guess as to the nature of the spire.
Atlantis wordlessly waves hello to Gronius, who repeats the gesture.
“Are we ready to begin?” Zepar asked Gronius and the Splitter Brothers. (@meepinater)
“Terminals scattered around the lab…” Scorchlock continued to mutter to himself, almost as if reforming a whole scene with his mind. He took one as he kneeled, glancing at it. “But all inert and non-functional.” He lets it fall. “Scrap. Does this ship have anything functional inside?” He stood up and walked around the room to find anything of value before he would walk out of the lab and continue his research throughout the hallway.
As Scorchlock scanned the room, he found nothing of use. Only that the lab was nothing but a complete wreck without power. However, the organic components of the bizarre flora were interesting. “I’ll take a sample for the crazy Science Bots on the Salvation.” He said as he took a small circle with a cylinder capsule and took a few samples of this nasty stuff.
Scorchlock then proceeded to walk outside the lab, he looked around as he noticed that Redstocker, Alterion, and Delta were nowhere to be found. He shrugged his shoulders before he turned around and walked deeper into the ship’s hallway.
As King-Quan found himself arriving at the mountain he transformed and landed on the soil. Noticing SideStep and ■■■■■■■■■■■■ in the distance, the fellow Autobot Warrior slowly took precaution as he walked.
King-Quan walked towards them, his gaze reverted onto the doorway that was built into the base of the mountain. There was also a sentinel, he wondered what was going on so he decided to ask. “I’m here, what is going on?” He asked, looking at Breakswitch and then at ■■■■■■■■■■■■.
Epsilon enters the Science wing of the ship and knocks on the door to Sprocket and Grommet’s lab.
Gronius nods his head.
Many doorways, which would lead further into the ship, were locked. Delta, Alterion, and Redstocker could be found standing before a spherical doorway at the end of a long hall.
■■■■■■■■■■■■ wordlessly gestures toward the door, and the sentinel standing before it.
The door slides open with a hiss, and Sprocket could be seen poring over the remnants of a golden machine. Grommet was nowhere to be found.
Grommet was, in fact, on the surface of OL-2-C, studying the native wildlife in the mountains. Beside him, Thrift had landed his ship on a cliff, and rests against it as he passively surveys the landscape.
“Kinda empty-feeling, this place,” the junkion comments.
“Yes,” Grommet absent-mindedly agrees. “I’ll wager we’re the first intelligent lifeforms to visit this planet in ages. Present company excluded.”
Thrift doubles over and clutches his chest, feigning a jolt of deep pain.
“Oh, agony!” the merchant cries out. “My fragile spark!”
Facelift, meanwhile, was getting some fresh air- that’s what he had told the insecticon queen, anyway. In all honesty, he was just looking to spend some time away from her hand her brood.
“If Topside wasn’t such a nice guy, I swear…” he mutters.
Topside was, at that moment, unknowingly nearing the mysterious spire with Flyby and Broadband beside him.
The deactivation of the Omega Conflux had momentarily put a halt to Shockwave’s plans, and so the cyclops wanders the ship, drawing up new designs for his lab on his datapad.
Lurch walks along a catwalk on Salvation’s exterior, fuming.
Obsidian sighs as he deactivates a comm terminal, having just endured a blistering reprimand from Bludgeon. One Autobot and her turncoat friend shouldn’t have caused so much trouble, especially for him. Obsidian had failed, and he didn’t need Bludgeon’s condescension and holier-than-thou attitude to know it.
The general was not the only target of Bludgeon’s wrath, however.
“How long has that artifact been present aboard my ship, corrupting the minds of my scientists?” the warlord growls, glaring at a hologram of Lockdown.
“Long enough to put its effects to use toward your crusade,” the bounty hunter coldly retorts. “This isn’t my first time handling Dark Energon; the proper measures have been taken to mitigate its effects.”
Bludgeon scowls. To think that Lockdown would go behind the back of his employer… perhaps he’d been to generous in his initial assumption of his character. The longer this chase endured, the more the warlord became aware of such insubordination.
“Have you considered the effect it will have on your payment, bounty hunter?” he chastises Lockdown.
“What payment?” the mercenary scoffs. “Nearly two months into this job, and I haven’t seen so much as one shanix of what you promised me. Both parties must keep their end of the bargain, Bludgeon…”
“…Otherwise,” Lockdown continues after a pause, lowering his tone, “well… the outcome wouldn’t be pleasant for either of us…”
Epsilon carefully approaches Sprocket, “What are you working on?” He asked.
“Oh this?” Sprocket asks, pointing to the machine.
“Just an old mining tool Gronius found a while back. Haven’t had the change to tinker with it until now.”