Because it technically can’t be a part of the “community reviews” section, it’ll be placed here.
anyways, onto the pictorial review!
Blurr in vehicle mode is based off his '86 rendition, in IDW’s colors, and I find the bugger to be quite nifty. Everything is pegged in together quite solidly, and overall, this thing just looks cool.
There is a cockpit, for his little titanmaster buddy, Haywire!
(apologies for the pictures; it’s hard as hell to focus on something this tiny)
This lil’ guy is actually quite nicely painted, considering his size. He’s got posability in his knees, hips, and shoulders, but his knees and hips are fused together.
And here’s a size comparison. I’m not exaggerating when I’m calling him tiny. Just look at that.
Here’s Haywire inside the little cockpit, all nice and snug.
This is a little “attack mode” shown in the instructions, which, honestly, just looks dumb.
the little nosecone jet looks pretty good, despite being a doofy little flying sled.
And with that fun n’ fast transformation, we get Blurr.
Dear god, this guy looks cool. As I’ve stated before, this is the G1 body in the IDW comic colors, but dang, thus guy looks cool.
With a miniature balljoint in the head, universal joints in the arms, bicep swivels, 90 degree elbows, a waist swivel, balljointed hips, thigh swivels, and 95-ish degree knee bends, this guy is great for posing, especially with his sled-shield and little rifle.
And a quick size comparison.
(Yes, that is Hy-Vee brand Dr. Pepper. I’m a Midwestener. Sue me.)
All in all, this figure looks great, poses well, and is overall fun to play around with. For me, this figure would be a good addition to your collection, if you can get past the 15$ price.
And that was my first ever pictorial review! C&C welcome and if this goes well, I might just do another! Anyways, I’ll catch ya next time!