After attending weeks, WEEKS, of physical training and group therapy, Makuta Teridax is back once again to wreak havoc on the Matoran Universe!
Standing at 1 foot 10 inches (w/ the wings, 1 foot 6-8 inches w/o), this revamp of what was technically a revamp sports improved articulation, a new torso construction that allows for better shoulder movement, new legs that are 100% more supportive than the last and with 85% less gaps. The wings are a black vinyl cloth hand shaped by me and an Exact-O knife, the wings much like the rest of this MOC has gone through several changes. [EDIT] turns out, after digging through some posts on a page on Facebook, I’ve had this MOC in the early stages of a build since AUGUST of last year.
Beware coming toa, for the eyes of the Makuta are not behind the Kanohi Kraahkan, but within his chest, where he conceals his true form, an infected Kanohi Hau (callback to the MNOG)! The body of this MOC also holds 6 Rahkshi backs, one each for the primary Rahkshi.
More photos available at My Flickr. Feel free to take a look and give any critiques you have on the MOC as a whole.
Now Who wants to play some Kolhii!?