
I’ve got more!

Aforementioned mutant grape with hand for scale.

That kale tart I referenced earlier.

Mincemeat burger (whose idea was this?)


uugggggghhhhhhhh this is why I pack lunch


same here

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this is why being in college is superior, I can just go get my own sustenance.


He’s right, heck even the food served in the student lounge is quite decent.


And I thought my high school lunch was bad

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I believe in a law: there is always worse school lunch food somewhere.


I’m in college, I was homeschooled up until now. But I can say I already consider 90% of people I meet at college are the epitome of stupidity. They’re either a) jerks who think you want to join a political rally that supports garbage, b) someone who thinks you’re dumb if you don’t have a car or a gaming console or an opinion on said console, or finally, c) the rare person who can have a decently intelligent conversation about… something.

Case in point: the only person (other than those I know from church) who I have kept up with is the entire antithesis of everything I believe, yet she’s the only person I’ve met who can hold a decent conversation on anything we’re interested in.

Also, I did the Calculus Prep Camp this summer, thinking it would help me. All it did was put me in a dorm room with a bunch of drunk fools who played rap and similar crap all night. Explicit lyrics at top volume. I literally contacted the staff member directing the camp at midnight about it. Plus they had insane amounts of math that we were supposed to be doing for it, so I basically quit halfway through, only doing a little because it wouldn’t affect my GPA, which is meh as it is. Yeah. Not fun.

Also, there are no clubs that I want to join, and my First Year Experience class sucks. It’s not hard, just we’re not learning anything helpful. It’s like, teamwork, equity and diversity (in a class composed solely of white males), and time management (making a schedule the over complicated way). Just please. I want to work on my classes, not this junk. I don’t need help on things that don’t apply to me.


Funny that this topic should pop up today because I am in an Access Control Door Strike Installation seminar right now and boy I feel like I’m ten years younger back in shop class

Way to bridge the gap though! That’s where peaceful lives come from dude, nice

I guess we tend to need it the most though

The rest of that sounds exhausting I’m glad I didn’t go lol


Which college, may I ask? I guess it depends on the university you’re attending.

University of Tennessee. It’s not really all that bad. Most of my dislikes just involve people trying to be “politically progressive” and such, or having to work that into their curriculum.