A Biotuber of old, have any of you guys ever heard of him?
While no longer active, he’s the guy I think of when it comes to Golden Age Bionicle('06-'08) and windows movie maker intros saying “-So and so- Productions”
This may be a bit of topic but with the mention of the golden age of Bionicle/Biotube it makes me wonder. What will all the new Biotubers (Younger kids who are just getting into Bionicle now) be like?
The MOCs will look very different from Scott’s and the feel may be different, but it’ll still be Bionicle. With more CCBS, however.
First biotuber I ever knew. I remember I got in at around 2008-2009. I got engrossed in his stories until his eventual hiatus. His work was good, heck I think it inspired fellow biotuber Kylernuva135’s story and some of his mocs. This guy was my foundation, so I really owe him for some of my creativity.
Such childhood… I can’t even begin to express what this channel means to me as an extremely troubled kid.
The more and more I think of this guy
I think I remember watching a few of his vids.
back in the day.
I miss that guy. He’s one of the few biotubers that made it through fall 2008/2009 without getting caught up in the flame wars.
I never actually got precise information or understood about these “flame wars” and how that made the Biotube community crumble…mind telling me ?
StudentScissors already made a topic asking about it.
Um…mind telling me where?
Well you could check studentscissor’s topics, but here.
Problem: that’s in the Highly Suspect Hideout, which @Rockho can’t see since he’s not a Master. Here’s @Nyran’s overview from the topic:
Oh right, forgot about that.
So, forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is a biotuber anyway? Is it just someone who makes Bionicle related videos, or something more specific?
Any bionicle lover on youtube who, usually falls under the categories of
A- Having mocs and a selfmoc
B- Possibly doing moc reviews and/or having a series of their mocs in either an alternate universe or taking place alongside the main BIONICLE story (rarely they also do Hero-factory mocs/skits)
C- Atleast knows other people who moc and/or work with bionicle-related things
D- make videos showcasing the moc in either a static slideshow or some awesome animation/ silly shenanigan
E- Work on Youtube and not many other websites
F- Usually hate or like Hero-factory
That’s the general gist of things. I could be wrong but these are what most biotubers do. Scotttjt actually had hero-factory mocs and alot of moc compiliations/showcases, called on youtube “My Mocs #(Insert number here)”, usually releasing his story, Hydros Chronicles, Sands of Change, or the Society of (something, I forgot), which occured alongside the main story, and doing skits on some occasions
Society of
Society of Guardians… ah we knew thee well Scott.
Both SoG and SoC were cut short, I think because he went to college.
And ah man, those BIONICLE random videos are still the best things.
Oh man, what a relic of the past! Yeah this guy was around before I made it on the scene in 2008. I never found his MOCs ground-breaking or built in a creative way, but they were always memorable. He made a case that you do not have to make insanely good MOCs in order to make them stand out or stick around in someone’s mind.
His series was the most popular at the time, along with the KylerNuva series that was going on at the same time. While those type of videos are not that interesting to a mass audience (referring to text over picture videos), this shows what Biotube use to be. Glad someone brought this up, it makes me smile.
He was the guy, man.
He was the guy who made people wanna get on that Bandwagon, amirite?
Well, he was one of them. A lot of the old hands from Biotube are gone now, but when they were around, it caught peoples attention. It was a widespread case of showcasing MOCs in a narrative way as well as just putting MOCs in videos. Many people uploaded pictures to social media but few created video content. On top of him, various stop-motions- and me popularizing MOC reviews, Biotube was a powerhouse between 2006-2010.
He didn’t get me to join YouTube, but at one time, if you time in Bionicle, he was on of the first things to come up. I joined because I was interested in video production and did watch his stuff as inspiration. They were innocent and fun times.
Seems just about all Biotubers end up disappearing once they head off to college…