Self-MOC ~ Valerix The GodsDemon

Haven’t seen that in a very long time XD. Thanks!


A whole essay was unnecessary lmao.

Unnecessary? Maybe. Useful to improve a MOC? Yes. Fun? Definitely.


Tbh, I agree with @Hawkflight on this one. But I just feel like this MOC was focused more on the subject of height rather than proportions or design.

With normal human proportions, hands reach at least down to mid-thigh. Which, I’m not sure of its just the camera angle, but the arms look a tad too short. But that even depends on purposeful demon proportions.

But yeah, It feels as you tried waay too hard and with that, focused more on the height than anything. I look forward to any future improvement from the critiques given.

ay iTS Valerix!

Hello, Makeer the Pineapple!