Small things that bothered you about Bionicle movies

It was the same with the Kakama on the other Matoran in the movies.

I find the thought of Jaller just standing around up there for hours on end hilarious, so I thought I’d take the time to find out how long the entire scene actually would take.

why did I do this

First of all, we need to figure out the distance Tahu falls, using the equation distance = speed x time. We can easily find out that the fall takes almost exactly 20 seconds, but we don’t know Tahu’s speed.

To figure out this variable, I’ve chosen to examine this shot, as it’s the only time we see Tahu move with a static background:

During this shot, Tahu moves from the point shown to the bottom of the screen in about a second. Now all we need to figure out is the distance.

The distance Tahu travels is exactly 10 times his own height, as shown here:

The average height of a Toa is 2.19 metres, putting this distance at about 21.9 metres in length. With both variables now known, we can perform a very simple calculation: 21.9 divided by 1. This gives Tahu a speed of 21.9m/s whilst falling, allowing us now to complete the first equation to figure out the full distance he falls.

By multiplying Tahu’s speed, 21.9m/s, and the time it takes him to fall, 20 seconds, we can find out the length of distance he travels, which comes to exactly 438 metres.

All we need to do now is figure out Tahu’s speed during his ascent. Since Tahu moves his swords at a constant rate during the ascent, we only really need to look at a single sword stab to figure out his speed. We can see here that he travels about half his own body height, or 1.095 metres, with one stab, with this action taking about 0.75 seconds:


By dividing 1.095 metres by 0.75 seconds we can find that Tahu’s ascension speed is 1.46m/s.

Finally, we can figure out how long it would have taken him to scale the cliff by dividing 438 metres by 1.46m/s, giving us a time of exactly 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.

So in actuality, the time frame everything took place in is completely reasonable. Huh.


In the end of Legends of Metru Nui, there is one Po-Matoran that is exiting its Matoran Sphere at the exact time that one of the Toa Metru transforms into a Turaga. Somehow, the Matoran never mentions to anyone that the Turaga are (or used to be) Toa. But if this happened in reality, he would have told everyone about “The Turaga are Toa!”


In my version. Finnish, nidhiki says:

Krekka: did they go this way?
Nidhiki: I do not even bother to answers that.

Also what I like of the movies is the heart lamps. Simple concept that every moc has implemented. Thanks miramax.

What the heck are toa stars? First movie shows one is born but how and why!?

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This is exactly the type of analysis I like :+1: Great job. Hopefully @Lesnichiy will be able to sleep soundly after this :grinning:

This one actually does have an explanation. The memories of the Matoran were very scrambled and cloudy some time after awakening so, the Matoran either forgot or thought it was a hazy dream.

As for this one well the ones in MU are Mata Nui’s thoughts, the ones outside are a mixture of real stars and projections from the Red Star.



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wait why is that surprising


Yeah, that always stood out to me too. I always wondered why that was the case (other than to distinguish the female characters from the males, which might be likely, although it doesn’t explain Roodaka and Gaaki).

Off the top of my head, one thing that always used to… I wouldn’t say bothered me so much as stood out was the fact that they never showed the character’s faces beneath the masks, most notably in LOMN with both Lhikan and Jaller. Of course, now I understand it was because they didn’t have the time or money to animate a unique face model that would’ve only been used briefly in two scenes, so it doesn’t bother me as much now.

Also, in the scene in MOL where Makuta destroys the door to Mangaia and traps everyone in, the cries of everyone running away from the rubble always sounded off to me. Like, I always thought it sounded more like a Wookiee making noise than any sound a crowd of people would make. I dunno, I might be the only one with this issue.


You have summoned me with M A T H!


While that equation can give a good estimate for a short fall, Tahu wouldn’t be falling at a constant speed. He starts at zero speed, accelerates, and… well, we don’t know if he hits terminal velocity, but we’ll ignore air drag for now. So his speed is

x = x(0) +v(0)t +1/2 a t^2

v(0) is zero, and we’re going to treat x(0) as zero as well, so we need his acceleration. But wait, what’s the acceleration of Spherus Magna? According to the calculations done on this topic, it would be about 4.84 m/s^2.

So if he falls for 20 seconds, his distance is

1/2 * 4.84 * (20^2) = 968 meters.

But what if we include DRAG! For a fall of 20 seconds, drag is going to have a noticeable impact and slow his fall. So let’s have a look at that.

The drag force on a body is 1/2(density of fluid)(velocity squared)(coefficient of drag)(frontal area). So how the heck do we get any of these values?

First off, density. You might thing it’s just the density of air, but this isn’t atmospheric air, it’s atmospheric air on another planet that was once part of a larger planet and who knows how that would work. What we’ll do is find the density of air on earth at the altitude where the surface of Aqua Magna would be, or an “altitude” of 1059 meters below Earth Sea level. This puts the density of air at 1.34kg/m^3.

Okay, what’s the drag coefficient? The coefficient of Drag for a falling person is 1 for belly down, .7 for head down. Tahu flips several times during this fall, so we’ll use the average, .85

And the frontal area? This is surprisingly hard to get reference data for, but the frontal area of a person is 5.5 ft^2 (.51 m^2). Toa are about 1.2x the height of an average person, and we’ll assume that their other measurements scale too, giving a frontal area of .84 m^2. But again, Tahu flips, so his average surface area will vary from .84 to .5184, so we’ll take the average of .6792.

But wait! Takua’s there too. So we’ll add in the surface area of .5184/2 (since Takua will only give surface area half the time), for a total of .93

putting it all together, we get:

F(drag) = (1.34)(kg/m^3)(v^2)(m^2/s^2)(.85)(.9384)(m^2)
F(drag) = (1.068)(v^2)

Now we can use Force equals Mass times Acceleration to–

We don’t know the mass of a Toa.

…Well, that won’t stop me! Let’s assume for one second that Tahu hit terminal velocity by the time of the scene you just measured, and we can actually solve for the mass of a Toa.

m * a = 1.068 v^2
m * 4.84 = 1.068 (21.9)^2
m=105 kg

Huh. If we were to assume that their mass scaled up in comparison to a human just like size, we’d get an average mass of 89 kg. Plus, Tahu has Takua with him. While there’s no canonical size for Matoran, the Toa Nuva sets are roughly 1.85x the size of the 03 Matoran, so the mass of a Matoran would be about 13kg, for a total of 102kg, which is shockingly close to 105kg. So at least we can assume that this Bohrok Swarm is somehow accurate so far.

putting it all together, we get:

force = weight - f(drag)
force = 105 * 4.84 - 1.068(v^2)

It was at this point that I stopped to wonder what I’m doing with my life.

So, the force is going to vary with velocity. That’s a headache to deal with. However, since we assumed that the velocity in that scene was terminal (or close enough to it), and since acceleration due to gravity is constant, we can take his average velocity, or 21.9/2 = 10.95. So we have an average force of

force = 105 * 4.84 - 1.068(10.95^2) = 380 newtons
F = m * a
380 = 105 * a

And now, back to where we started

x(t) = x(0) +v(0)t +1/2 a t^2
x(20) = 0 + 0t +1/2 * 3.6 * 20^2 = 720 meters.

So there you have it. His fall was either 968 meters, or 720 meters.

As for his ascent, it would take either

968/1.46 = 663 seconds = 11 minutes
720/1.46 = 493 seconds = 8 minutes

On topic: The screw pins in the Legend Reborn. Why do they spin?


Why is there a Kraahkan statue in the Canyon of Unending Whispers?

LoMN Canyon of Unending Whispers.PNG250x170


Maybe Makuta commissioned Hafu to make it for him.


Fair point, given at this point the Makuta’s corruption wasn’t widely known.


Still a bit odd, considering how wary they all were of him, after he slaughtered a bunch of them in the Archives Massacre. Even at the time this movie takes place, Lhikan said something to the effect of “shoulda known it was Makuta the whole time” (or am I making that up?)


I would say the entire movies but that isn’t a small thing


Sidorak creating steam for some reason.


@Monopoly, @Willess12 I thought of working the physics through, but you nailed it!
Well, Jaller standing there for 5-10 minutes is okay now I guess.

So I stormed through the Legend Reborn and those are my notices:

The Legend Reborn
  • You mean the actual screws-looking ones aside from the Lego pins? Yeah, those are somewhat illogical, but hey, they look cool and adds some diversity to the texture! It’s still a shame that Toa and Matoran movies got the Miramax style, and Glatorian and Agori got the Unversal/Tinseltown Toons style.

  • Sooo the Bohrok Swarms didn’t do a very good job of cleaning the Island of Mata Nui after all?

  • All of this is no comments

  • As well as this

  • As well as all the Agori being same in each tribe

  • What is the sound that Ackar makes when he strikes during his fight with Strakk? Does he say “Kalmah” very illegibly?

  • Raanu says “We’re just Agori, we’re not going to fight a Glatorian”. Well, then what exactly do you plan to do, if Strakk kills Ackar? Bow to him as the new leader of Vulcanus?

  • Ouch, Strakk’s foot got really beaten up in that fight (though it actually happens at the moment he stands up).

  • Ah, that one dialogue is so good, even better in translation…

  • Upscaled Telluris, fused with Skopio is a mess of its own…

Some bumps along the ride, but I still think that Legend Reborn was very good, it just should’ve been a part of a trilogy, or even a whole series, like Hero Factory movies did afterwards.


That is great @Willess12 ! Also how did I miss the scince topic you linked?! That is exactly the kind of stuff I dabbled in several years ago, I love that kind of stuff. Now I have something to read :+1:

I always hear him shouting “Gelu!”. It is quite bothersome I agree.

Oof, If I recall the official justification was that the Telluris model represents the jaw tendons and muscles of the Skopio. But that makes it even more ridiculous!


How did I never see that?

Oh my Mata Nui, I almost totally forgot to mention this moment, which is absolutely hilarious:

The whole Vakama/Sidorak dialogue is pretty funny, but this floor-washnig Visorak is my vision of an ideal Bionicle movie joke and meme.


I forgot to mention this earlier: the fact that Tahu decides to throw away his swords and fight Lehrahk with his bare fists in MoL. I mean, why? There’s no advantage that you gain if you’re fighting a large robot with fists!