Solaris, Guardian of Light

I recently got 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders and wanted to do something with that sweet, sweet golden Skull Spider mask. I also wanted to make a gold and trans-red figure, and this is the end result. I’ve had this MOC built for almost a month now, I just got around to taking pics of it.

I may do a how to build on this MOC on my YouTube channel, so stay tuned! Please subscribe, I would appreciate it :stuck_out_tongue:
Channel link:

Don’t worry, the dragon boye in the last pic will get his own topic soon :wink:

C&C is appreciated!


very nice

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Great torso

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Hey am i the only one who thinks that this is solaris from godfall??!!
The resemblance is uncanny…
download (1)

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Cool moc, my one suggestion would be to make the eyes a different color to make them more distinguishable from the large ornament on his back

ehh, besides the gold I don’t really see it tbh

Repost on my recovery channel


This looked pretty generic (because so much gold blends into other gold) until I saw the inner torso build, which is honestly pretty impressive, at least to me, who spends hours trying to get torsos geometrically right. Neat work!

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