Some Cool People (Matoran Maker)

Oh alright.


Black body
Dark gray arms.
Purple eyes. (Obviously)
A black Komau
And purple feet

Going off what I said earlier, how would you feel about turning the arms black? because the black is very close to grey.

I don’t mind, go ahead

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And for Komau, did you mean Great(2004) or Noble?(2001)

Do me, ngram! Red Pakari Mata, lime green eyes, black arms/torso, red legs.



Ok people, I’m officially aiding NGRAM in your requests.


Don’t you mean ngram?

My Mac won’t run the program…might I throw in my request as well?

I’d like:

White body
White arms
Mata blue feet
Blue eyes
A Mata red Great Akaku



I like how ngram’s a thing now


It’s ngram. With a lowercase “n”.

I feel so touched. It was a honest mistake @ngram, I swear!

Shoot, that doesn’t work.

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Don’t worry, Ngram is a forgiving person and has taken on the name with gusto.

I understand that this is indeed a mistake.

I just worry it will spread and get super old too fast. Everyone wants to make it once, so it won’t feel old to them. But there’s a lot of guys here, and so I’ll be hearing it a lot.

Also, Rise finished up Sammy and Lelouch’s Matoran.


he, ngram, how did you change the eye color?

I look swaggier than I expected.
10/10 m8

I went into MSPaint, and I manually did it with the fill command, basically.

And then I did the outline in a slightly darker shade.

It’s really quite easy.

I should change the eye color on mine actually…

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Please get to it before 2 AM EST

That’s when I’ll be making the final Image for Unity Day tomorrow. ^^

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Hey Nyran,

Can I use this picture I made instead? I feel the arms are more cohesive this way:

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