I’m sure that’d work, I guess.
The whole thing I was trying to get across was a business suit, with the black, and I feel like the White Matatu is essential, IMO >.>
I’m sure that’d work, I guess.
The whole thing I was trying to get across was a business suit, with the black, and I feel like the White Matatu is essential, IMO >.>
I really need to spend more time on this forum. You guys are so friendly.
IK, and I tried that when I made this yesterday. What I found is that I look more like an actual Matoran if I had a more cohesive color scheme. But feel free to use your version too!
Also, sorry if I sound a little wordy. I’m still recovering from replying to Kahi. XD
Hmm, how would you feel about me inverting the colors of your version?
That is to say white mask and feet, green body
go ahead and try it! no need to ask me first you silly goose :
What does this mean?
Are you gonna have everyone in some sort of group photo?
Is gonna be a big group photo thing to celebrate and share around for #TTVUnityDay tomorrow, since it’ll begin the three day countdown for Bionicle’s official reveal.
Oh friday is gonna be great!
Will there be happy singsong cheer? Games? Contests? Should ‘Unity Day’ be a Topic?
Anyways, for me could I have:
Eyes - Red
Mask - Silver Komau/Onewa Turaga style
Arms - Black
Feet - White
Unity day will be a topic, and I will (hopefully) be the one to make it.
And then day after is Duty Day, but I dunno how we’ll celebrate that, or what the image will be, but I wanna leave that in someone else’s hands. ^^
Also, sure thing on your Matoran. Sounds legit.
Mask-Cobalt Noble Ruru
Okay, I finished @fangface1 and @Kretta
Dunno if I got the “Cobalt” color right, so I can fix it for you, Fang.
Wow! I have to say… I really like how it came out. Thanks and happy ‘Unity-Day’!
Reminder, one more hour for anyone who doesn’t have a Matoran already to get one in, for the Unity Day Image.
These are awesome, too bad there’s no Mistika Onua mask flipped upside-down Lolz.
Thanks mate.
It’s probably to late for me to inflate my ego but could I place and order for an all-red Matoran with a red Miru?
so sexy
I don’t mean to be rude, but can someone make me a Matoran matching this description:
Kanohi: Gold Olmak
Torso and Arms: Black
Feet: Gold
I can do it for you.