Thanks! I’m really looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
Here ya go!
Looks great! Thanks again!
No prob
You should do me. I would have a green kakama, green feet, and a Khaki body.
Attention everyone who is not blind and can therefore read this:
If you want your Matoran made and later added to the future group shot, post it Here
I’m blind - therefore, I have no idea what your post says.
I’m so sorry.
I hope that when you read my post you weren’t offended.
…Wait, are you joking? Cuz I was.
Might as well join in.
Okay…now that’s just weird. That’s the design I had at first, and then went back and changed things to get the look a bit different.
It’s likely no big deal, in fact, to you it almost surely isn’t
but I dunno, there’s just something gratifying of a cast member actually giving me the time of day for a topic for something that’s just silly fun like this. :]
Kewl. Though I’ve never understood what kind of Matoran you were supposed to be.
YOU MADE ME!!! i feel touched but im gona slightly revise it if you dont mind
Go ahead.
It was my idea mostly, for the Link looking guy to be you.
So I apologise, I just have no idea about your self-moc.
It’s a little late but oh well. Unfortunately there wasn’t an Akaku Nuva Phantoka so I had to go with my back up mask instead.
White Arthron… I’m actually really okay with this.