Sovereign: New Age - Signups and OOC Discussion Topic (signups still open!)

Why hath I been summoned?

I’m honestly surprised this one worked.

Okay, you’ve got me. This sounds pretty cool.

If nothing else, it’s an excuse for me to draw some characters that aren’t mine for a change.

Character sheet incoming soon, @Winger.


And just like C’thulu, we’ve said his name one to many times

And now he is here


Edit: I hope my spamming wasn’t to annoying


yay, now they don’t have to suffer when I post my stick figures.


You see the weird caps ping always works

Soo @Winger what kind of society are we dealing with here, and how advanced is technology?


And just like C’thulu, you will slowly be driven mad until the end of days.

Wait a minute, that’s Ghid I’m thinking of…

It’s fine. I get a lot of emails anyways.

I’m just shocked it did work.

But yes, it certainly stood out.


I can slightly speak on his behalf here since I got my character approved

Do your research. If you have an element that is utterly unbelievable, ground everything else in absolute realism - and back it up with actual history.

you reply by email?


Now, hwhy would I do that?

No, I just get Boards notifs by email if I’m offline. But I am unfortunately assailed by many unrelated entities that I can’t be bothered to mark as spam.

I’m sure that’s going to wind up on the Out of Context topic…



The society varies with country and continent, think pretty general fantasy/low fantasy. Achilles used revolutionary new technology, which is a major part of the reason he was able to conquer so much so easily, but otherwise it’s also pretty general fantasy. As far as any of you know, none of the three factions has access to any of Achilles’ technology.

heheheee cool worldbuilding secrets


Character Sheet

Name: Bren Harthun

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance - Drawings likely to come.
Average height and build with shorter black hair. He wears a dark green cloak beneath bulkier leather armor.

Faction - The New Alliance

Equipment -
Rope and climbing gear, measuring implements, goggles, surveying equipment, drafting instruments, various pouches for carrying small materials and components, and various empty vials. Carries a dagger and an ornate heirloom hammer (not a weapon, of a typical kind for craftwork).

Biography -
Bren, son of Grenfell, was born into the nation of Esur where the terrible fist of Achilles’ conquest had struck hardest. Long a nation of inventors and crafters, Esur was utterly devastated by Achilles and its people were put to work producing machines of war.
Esur became a member of the New Alliance following the God King’s death, but despite having suffered the most, its plight and demands were mostly ignored by the other nations. Esur just barely managed to send Bren as its single representative to join the Expedition of Gravesbane.
Bren spent most of his life in the work houses of Esur under Achilles’ rule, helping to construct weapons of war. His father, Grenfell, was a Chief organizer of one of the many workhouses and became a representative for Esur in the government of the New Alliance. It was by his father’s great effort that Bren was sent on the expedition, in hopes of recovering some of what had been taken during Esur’s destruction.

Personality and Attributes - Bren is highly intelligent, quick to action but slow to words. Growing up in the work houses of Esur, Bren finds it difficult to socialize as he knows nothing of the nations outside of his homeland. He is inquisitive, but reserved; he prefers mostly to learn through observation.
As a denizen of Esur, Bren is skilled in the knowledge and methods required for invention and crafting machines. He can craft useful creations on-the-fly, mostly simple things, but clever in their applications. However, aside from his intellect and craftiness, Bren is not skilled in much else, let alone the ways of hand-to-hand combat.




if it’s my topic do I get to double post? I guess we’ll see

A couple announcements: ideally signups will be open until the end of the month, but realistically I’ll probably get impatient. Additionally, I have a major vacation in the beginning of April, so that might prolong the actual start further. We’ll see. Because of the nature of the RPG, signups will also probably remain open after we start, at least for a time.

One other thing, I added a list of pertinent vernacular to the OP.



Generally if you have an update, yeah you can double post, or if you’re replying to people after an update post. If both posts consist of the same sort of thing, then no, and that logic doesn’t apply to triple, quadruple, etc.

Not a written rule. Just in my experience I’ve never gotten in trouble for following that format.

Yeah honestly if the present party gets to the three hundredth layer of basement city place new people probably can’t logically appear out of thin air. Normally I’m opposed to locking signups but it makes absolute sense for this one.

Ok major question which will impact the course of this rp from now to the end of time: what candy exists


Whatever candy that would logically exist in a fantasy world. Stuff like caramelized fruit or meats.

No gummy beans.

Yeah, because by that point I’m thinking a solid chunk of non-PC expedition members will be …


But for the first couple chapters if someone wants to join in as an expedition member that just hasn’t been doing anything other than following orders, but is now taking a more active role, I’m not going to be super strict.


decease and decist


caramelized MEAT

…uh, logically exist, yeah. Well, sadly a lot of sugar experiments were going on not in Europe, but in the middle east, where aside from making lozenges and the like, the Arabs were making sculptures out of the stuff on the island of Candia.

Yeah it sounds completely made up


Cake? Is there at least cake?






Name Hereward Cempar; “Gallower,” “Gallow,” or “Gally”

Age 25

Gender Male

Appearance - On the shorter side despite linage, being about 5’7" with muscular build of soldier. When his face can be seen, Hereward has a square jawline, somewhat cleanshaven with some light shaving scar marks on neck and checks, a narrow nose, shaved down eyebrows, and short black hair. Though roughened and dry from his line of work, his skin has a pale tone. When Hereward is not in his armor, he wears very simple wool peasants clothes.

In most instances, Hereward is at the ready in his armor. He hears a banded, dome-style kettle hat with a wide brim, in which the brim tappers downwards slightly. Attached to the kettle hat and closer to the face is a metal visor plate (something like this), with fabric on top of that. This black and dark maroon fabric is also attached all the way around the inside from the brim, going down to the collar bone, shoulders, and just past the base of the neck, almost giving a hooded executioner look. Around the body is a black gambeson, which goes down to the knees, with a dark maroon brigandine on top. Limbs and shoulders are covered in plate armor, has a curved sword held in a scabbard on his left side.

Faction - The Old Kingdoms

Equipment - As previously mentioned in appearance, Hereward has a heavy gambeson, with a brigandine torso piece, and plate armor protecting the limbs. Underneath the kettle hat is a padded coif and the fabric attached is also a form of brigandine, having metal plates inside the layers of cloth. The helmet is held on by a strap inside and behind the attached fabric. Armed with an executioner’s sword, a scythe sword, and a specialized butcher knife. This butcher knife is hefty as expected, but has a toothy saw end on the top side and a short spike protruding horizontally out of the top corner of the blade.

Biography - Third born and second son of Armaward Cempar, Hereward comes from a mercenary tribe in the Old Kingdoms. In generations past, this mercenary band made a poor bet with the small nation of Orldyec (insert more lore appropriate nation here) and must give their first sons as lifetime soldiers to pay the debt. As misfortunate would have it, Hereward’s older brother died too young and had to take his place. He was raised and train by his father until about age ten, where he then started his service in Orldyec’s army.

As Hereward was not a first son, he was put in a feared and despised role of a Gallower. The Gallowers were soldiers and knights who served in the back of the army, coming up and finishing off any stragglers, injured, or dying men on the battlefield. They then would loot all the bodies, taking everything and bring them back to camp. As part of their duties, they were to guard the dead and kill all enemies attempting to collect their fallen. Failing that, desecrate the bodies in such a fashion to terrify their foes. Other duties included things such as prisoner or traitor execution and preparing the dead for burial back home.

Given their skill in combat, as well as looting, several Gallowers are being sent along this expedition. Hereward is hoping that if he does well in this expedition that he’ll be freed from his conscripted service. He finds it against his birthrate to be in service and this gruesome work has never sat well with him.

Dark Secrets - Very dark, much secret.

Artifacts - The truth about cake.



I actually have a cluster of small nations in the Old Kingdoms that have yet to be named, so you can either go ahead and keep this, or, if you want, change it to one of the larger nations in the Old Kingdoms, once I add some basic worldbuilding information to the OP later today.


Neato. I think I’ll stick with Orldyec for the time being then.