Standard Star Wars Minifigure guns VS Stud Shooters

Indeed. They’re not quite as detailed as competitors like BrickArms though (and their e-commerce platform isn’t as nice).

Meh, I have yet to see any stud shooter launcher designs that I really like. Got any examples?


Honestly no.
But they look so much better that way, and I hate to have tons of them sitting in a drawer.

I’ve heard of Brickarms, but I’ve never actually seen any.
All right, I looked at their inventory. They’re definitely better, but they don’t seem to have any Clone or Droid weapons.

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Brickarms hasn’t traditionally sold SW weapons (they mostly stick to modern and WWII). However, they’ve recently started selling Battlefront-inspired weapons in limited markets.

That being said, BrickArms has had their equivalent of the DC-15 rifle up for sale for years. The BA DC-15 is highly detailed, sleek, features a trigger and trigger guard and sports a grip-able barrel (at the expense of the heat radiator fins). It overall seems to be based off of the rifle seen in the main saga movies.

In contrast, the CAC DC-15 has less detail and a much simpler grip. It’s proportions are adapted in a slightly different way and it retains the fins on the front of the barrel. This version of the weapon (just like most of the CAC accessories) is modelled after what is seen in the '03 Clone Wars miniseries.


I must’ve missed that, it looks fantastic.
But of course.
My favorite version is the Clone Wars 08 version…


Of the DC-15? I guess I really like it as well (it’s certainly the one I’m most used to).