There are two seperate accounts of space trains in the shows, though they are a bit more like space subways.
Does that really matter, though? It’s unique, it’s new, it’s something the fans could love, and makes for a cooler scene (as well as more sense) than just a big ship carrying around deadly materials that could easily kill everyone on it should it be jostled in any kind of way.
Sure, but it’s not called “Jedi Wars.” This is a matter of personal preference, but I get tired of the Jedi every once in a while. It’s about Han, I’d be incredibly upset if he met a Jedi. And, as I’ve said before, there was really only one heist scene.
What the critics of TLJ didn’t like can’t really be fixed by IX, excluding giving Snoke a backstory, or maybe explaining hyperspace ramming a bit more.
While I didn’t like The Last Jedi, I know that if episode IX tries to fix everything it did wrong, it would just feel cluttered. Their best option sis to just try to scavenge the plot points, and just do their best to make a good star wars movie.
The issue with fixing the plot issues from TLJ is that they changed how things worked in Starwars so fixing those issues would certainly TLJ TLJ. They’ve backed themselves into a corner with some of the plot points and events in that movie.
See the problem with that is, it’s dumb. Why would the republic let them thrive and build a planet-sized weapon and not take action. Not even a blockade. Seems like shaky writing to me.
Now personally I didn’t like solo, simply because I expected Han to have a bit more of a challenging backstory and no love interest but I do not like how they’ve changed the kessel run. Not cool guys.
They didn’t know, easy as that, star wars spans accross a galaxy, keeping tabs on all of it, especially with the weakened authority of the new republic, would be incredibly difficult
The novel Bloodlines deals a lot with this. While the New Republic Senate eventually recognized that the First Order existed, they didn’t think it was a credible threat, as any evidence that had been pointed their way had been discredited or made to look insignificant by spies they had on the inside.
Those same spies even went so far as to leak that Vader was Leia’s birth father, ruining her political career and discrediting her. Very few listened to her after that, and she herself came to be viewed as a political extremist when founding the Resistance. Those who still trusted her either joined the Resistance themselves or slipped some credits/materials as often as they could. As we can tell from the size of the Resistance forces in Episodes VII and VIII, that’s not a lot.
And for those that didn’t believe Leia, well, they found out much too late.
General Hux’s speech echos dramatically in the distance
How can you like Snoke? Other than theories there’s literally no character there!
That is true, I see very few faults in TLJ and TFA
Not really, the red guards don’t fight Luke and Vader after the emperor dies…
So the Galactic Senate with it’s Senators and it’s Chancellor who is a Dictator that creates an Empire with Stormtroopers to help him rule the galaxy and destroy the religous Jedi isn’t political?
TFA was enjoyable, I think it had faults but I enjoyed it, TLJ was poorly written in my opinion but and I think this is the only thing I can think of that will restore my faith in Episode IX…
C3PO Killing everyone like the Jedi dogs they are! Pew Pew!
No in all seriousness, I’m just hoping that the people behind the creative direction and writing of the movie take on the criticisms of the previous 2 to create a good story. The fanbase loves, hates but can also forgive.
Good Lord in heaven what is this a court hearing? And on another note, while I am excitced for the next movie, I think, at least financially, SJW Star Wars failed Disney. This arcticle here covers it, Star Wars and Marvel Comics Sales Drop Confirms Disney | Cosmic Book News (because Apperantly i can’t say anything without having a seventeen sources back it up.) I will also say this. I liked the way TLJ looked, nothing else. Visually, it is close to one of my favorite Star Wars movies, but literally everything else was a letdown. Also, I personally enjoyed Solo, although I belive this is in part to having been a huge fan of the Clone Wars during its run and the film is chock full of nods.
I meant forced real life polotics like feminism and stuff that people don’t want in a sci fi space opera. Also unlike disneys Star Wars the senate had a plot reason to be in the movie.
As for rian Johnson I meant him, the cast, and shill sites calling everyone sexist and racist because they didnt like rose, admiral holdo was entirely pointless in an already bad movie, Rey being a Mary Sue, the treatment of Luke, etc.
The call the resource hardly reliable, and none of it came directly from JJ or Lucas films, so like all leaks I’m going to take it with a grain of salt at best, ignore it at worst