They are still aliens, even if they look extremely similar to us.
I think they’ll release the title with the trailer like endgame
I don’t really see the point, seeing that the hype for EpIX is nowhere near the one for Endgame.
Not to mention some fans are still mad at the last jedi / disney and I don’t think ep 9 is escaping their wrath.
And Lucas film insulting their fans on social media sure hasn’t helped.
Let’s make something clear, here. LucasFilm has NEVER outright insulted fans on Twitter or other social media. Rian Johnson has said some things that could be interpreted as offensive to some, and then there was the Chuck Wendig fiasco.
Let’s make it clear that while Rian Johnson is employed by LucasFilm (since his solo trilogy is most likely still happening) and Chuck Wendig was employed (and even then, it was MARVEL Publishing that fired him, not LucasFilm itself), neither person actually represents the company. There’s a reason whenever you boot up a DVD/Blu Ray, they make sure to mention that the opinions expressed in the commentary from the Director/Cast do not represent the opinions of Disney/LucasFilm.
So please stop saying things like “LucasFilm has insulted people on Twitter” when you will never find a tweet from the Star Wars or LucasFilm Twitter account that says toward one fan or many “you’re an idiot if you don’t like the things we make” or “You’re a fat nerd who knows nothing” or “your political stance sucks” or etc.
That’s fair. But still instead of insulting us just come out and say you made a bad movie; if one person had admitted that none of this would be happening. It’s the same thing that happened with ghostbusters 2016; the cast insulted the fans and the movie paid for it.
I… Am actually hyped for this.
And I KNEW that reply will be controversial. Oh, well. At least I wasn’t banned.
Except, a lot of people will argue they didn’t, they just didn’t make the movie that some people wanted
Well still don’t insult the fans. That just makes you look worse and makes those fans not want to support your business. Have you seen kitchen nightmares with those arrogant owners that tell customers they’re wrong; that’s the reason they need help.
As @prentice1215 pointed out, they didn’t.
As much as I love that show, you know a lot of it was staged, right?
Am I the only one who theorizes the only people who depsise Last Jedi (not including those who just didn’t like it) are the fans themselves? It would explain a lot of the controversy and the mixed reviews…
I just hope IX can appease both fans and non-associated viewers in a way that TLJ and TFA didn’t.
At this point, if I have a gripe with Star Wars, I just blame Disney. It’s unreasonable, perhaps, but the whole “Shards of the Past” scandal really upsets me.
Just making a movie in a way that fans didn’t like doesn’t mean a insult in any way.
I have low hopes for episode IX. The last few movies have been a joke. I didn’t even bother watching solo. I came here, for wars in space, give me wars in space people. Right from episode 7 I kind of thought it was heading for trouble. From an unlikely source though. It was from the most broad strokes angle you could look at the movie at. The resistance, led by our favorite Heros of the genre, is on the run from the terrifying first order… record scratch I’m sorry what? You mean they let it. Happen again? They literally just defeated a big bad control everything government 30 in universe years ago. Not only that. They are hilariously outgunned despite having 30 years to prepare, while the first order would be likely very recent. So you’re telling me. They finally defeat the empire, they’re finally free. So they just look at their blasters, bikes, warships, and walkers and say. "Well, the war’s over, time to melt this down cause I’ll never need it again.
Kinda makes me lose respect for the supposed war Heros that didn’t take precautions to make sure it didn’t happen again.
Ok, I feel people have gotten way to far with their hate for TLJ, by saying that “All new Star Wars movies are a joke”'. The Force Awakens was by many regarded as the best movie of 2015. Now saying that TFA is bad too just because of TLJ isn’t fair to me.
I can understand why you didn’t borrow watching Solo, It was nothing great, but it wasn’t a “joke” either.
I’d suggest you watch it. It’s a really cool side of Star Wars we don’t usually see outside of the TV shows, and plays it safe whe. It comes to controversy. If you’re expecting a game changer, you’ll be disappointed, but if you’re expecting a bad movie, you’ll be even more disappointed. It’s enjoyable, but it won’t be the greatest thing you’ve ever seen.
Well, in-universe, the Empire’s underestimation of the Rebellion led to its downfall, and the New Republic’s underestimation of the First Order led to its. The First Order remains to be essentially a radical political party that literally wiped out the government because no one paid attention to them. The Resistance used to be little more than a group of people who saw the First Order as a threat, and now are small pockets of rebels scatt red across the galaxy. I don’t even know if the First Order is really in control yet, but they’re on their way for sure. Things look bleaker for the Resistance right now than the Rebellion ever did after New Hope.
Hey, an oxymoron!
To be honest, I love Star Wars. It was a huge part of my childhood, and it’s something you have a 50/50 shot of connecting to someone with. It’s controversial, sure, it’s lost its hope, sure, it’s lost it’s freedom, sure. But it hasn’t lost me. Rogue One currently ranks top out of all Star Wars movies for me, and Solo proved to be cool and fun, and therefore I’m just here, waiting for more anthology movies. The saga hasn’t lost my anticipation, but they did lose my preference. I just hope Lucasfilm doesn’t let us down.
I don’t wanna see that side of star wars, I wanna see laser swords and space guns. Not a Sci Fi heist movie
.[quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:119, topic:48011”]
First Order is really in control yet,
They Annihilated the Republic’s government, their fleets sail unchanged through the stars, and the only people who seem to stand up to them are the overused plucky group of rebels trope.
That’s not inherently a good thing
on topic however, what I’d like to see in episode 9 is the resistance actually finding some grit, some way to legitimatly fight back. Because as far as we know, there’s a total of about 12 people in the resistance all packed onto one old and busted spaceship. Wow, one lucky turbo laser could end the whole thing. Neat
I tend to agree more or less with this. Star Wars it’s about Jedi and a big Space War, not about a space heist. And with TLJ and Solo we have seen things that are not really about that. A Space Casino, Space Train, Space Club etc are things that were never in the original Star Wars movies. After all, this is Star Wars, not a James Bond movie taking place in Space.
But a space cantina is fine? And there’s already been a space club… They have a scene with tons of fun aliens living their lives like this in almost every movie, Phantom Menace and Empire Strikes Back maybe not.
Not only are there actually, but I thought the idea was to keep Star Wars creative and new, not copy the old movies.
Perhaps this is why it’s called a “Star Wars Story.” It’s in the universe, but it isn’t the saga.
I don’t know, I still don’t really see Solo as a heist movie. Sure, it had a heist, but it felt more like a rebellion. There was one heist scene towards the beginning, I guess. I just like the side of Star Wars that’s not front and center, that does not include one of two Jedi in existence.
I can really see how some people would like to see it while others wouldn’t. But I think that side of Star Wars would be better suited for TV shows.
But that Space Train in Solo was definitely not in the original movies, and not in the TV Shows either (but correct me if I am wrong).
Solo had nothing to do with the Jedi (except the Darth Maul Cameo), so it was In many ways a heist movie taking place in Space. That doesn’t mean it was bad, but you get the point.
Anyway, here is poll: What would you personally prefer EP IX to do?
- Continue with the Plot Points set by TLJ
- Try to fix what fans didn’t like about TLJ
0 voters