This is the second time when posts from this topic are merged with the TLJ topic.
Really now, this should be called “Star Wars: The Last Jedi Part 2”.
No, because this is supposed to be about Star Wars episode IX. It’s just that people don’t post in the right place.
I was joking.
Am I the only person that believes that Episode IX will be a great movie?
Post must have at least 5 characters.
I have no idea either way. Lando is in it, but that’s really all I know to look forward to. (And fear, as death may come)
I just mean that no matter what happens the last Jedi did so much damage that ep 9 would have to focus solely on fixing everything rian Johnson screwed up.
Or they could continue the plot threads set up by tlj
I’m excited to see where the franchise will go. With Hosnian Prime gone in TFA, I bet much of the galaxy will join the Resistance’s cause against the First Order. I doubt this movie will be another small group fighting against oppression story. I think it may be all out war. It is called Star Wars after all.
I think it’s going to be a mixture between the two. From what we’ve seen, the Resistance is/was a very small fighting force. To be essentially wiped out so easily during the chase to Crait means they were a few thousand strong, nowhere near what the Rebel Alliance was.
From what we’ve seen from supposed reports on the set, I think that there will be a mass recruitment of people standing up against the First Order, but it won’t be as many as we or the Resistance themselves think. Judging by the end of The Last Jedi where no one responds to the distress call, most of the galaxy is now firmly under the heel of the First Order and can’t or won’t rise up. They’ll probably get an actual sizable force (ha) for the climax of the film, but it’ll be another up-hill battle similar to the Battle of Endor (in terms of combatants only, not another beat for beat rehash, I hope) where the Resistance is out manned and outgunned by the frankly ridiculous size of the First Order’s army.
While they’ll probably have a good sized army for once, it is going to be a
since to the mainstream, that’s what Star Wars is. They think of a small group of rebels with laser swords and aliens fighting against the man before anything else. Because of this, and because of where Episode VIII left us, that’s what it’s most likely going to be.
And on another note, anyone who thinks we’re getting an official title reveal before Star Wars Celebration in April is deluding themselves. I just saw people getting up in arms that Disney didn’t announce the title during an earnings call today.
Both Episode VII and VIII had their teaser trailers released at Celebration (not counting that one weird one for TFA with the Snoke VO, that was more a teaser for a teaser), and given this is the final film in the sequel trilogy, they’re probably going to go all-out for a grand reveal in April with the title and teaser reveal.
All great points. I just don’t want IX to suffer the same fate as TFA and TLJ with extremely similar plotlines and locations to the Original Trilogy. Banking off nostalgia is a great business tactic, but it can easily be seen as repetitive and lazy.
However TLJ was fairly different than ESB, but the argument can still be made with plenty of evidence.
Also another point is the First Order lost both of their biggest projects. We don’t know how big their fleet is, but they can’t be as big of a technological terror they were previously.
To be honest, I would rather have EP IX continue with the plotlines set by TLJ rather than the whole movie fixing the supposed “disaster” that TLJ left behind.
Of course. Regardless of how people feel about TLJ, we still need a coherent story that ties up any loose ends that TLJ left. That’s how all finales should work.
I agree
Nah I’m hyped for it
George Lucas ONLY directed A New Hope of all the originals!
yeah and still was very influential in making esb and rotj, not to mention having a plan
the sequels are quite literally making stuff up as they go along
And in most cases for the worst. I mean not uniting the core trio at least once while they were all alive; who’s bright idea was that?
JJ Abrams
Can episode IX be the first movie where we have a main character who isn’t human, droid, Wookiee, or Togruta? Please?
It woud be interesting if we could have more worldbuilding related to alien species, so I woud love this.
Also those are not humans.
Wookiepedia tells me otherwise