disney’s handling of the sequels has been less than adequate
you don’t just
switch directors in the middle of a trilogy, only to switch it back
It’s so…
Odd and weird and dumb.
They should have, at the very least, pre planned the trilogy
Let’s remember that the original director lineup was JJ Abrams for Episode VII, Rian Johnson for Episode VIII, and Colin Trevorrow for Episode IX. They had some sort of structural plan for directors at least, until complications arose that they couldn’t see coming.
First: Carrie Fisher died.
Then, Trevorrow departed Episode IX due to “creative differences” with LucasFilm following that. So either his script rewrites following Fisher’s passing couldn’t pass muster, he left due to some other accusations toward him that were going on somewhat simultaneously, or a combo of both. The original version of Episode IX was supposedly pretty great, since Daisy Ridley said in an interview that she cried after reading it.
Following that, JJ was brought onto Episode IX so they could keep their production schedule, ticking off Paramount in the process and derailing Star Trek 4.
They didn’t start off with this idea that they’d get two directors to contradict one another and make a conflicted mess of a trilogy. They wanted three unique directors to create new and interesting stories to “revitalize” the franchise. not that the franchise really needed that, since die hard Star Wars fans that wanted more stories had stuff like The Clone Wars and the EU
Can you please post a link to an article where he states this in an interview? I have a few that would show evidence to the exact opposite of this.
This one specifically mentions that, Asked if fan outcry would at all impact his vision for the upcoming film, Abrams was clear. “Not in the least,”. (placed that there so you don’t have to read the whole thing)
And finally, support for Johnson’s decision to make Rey’s parents nobodies.
Also, dug this back up. Naturally, take what actors say with a grain of salt.
Just courious, how will they make Leia in episode IX is Carrie is dead? She didn’t die in the Last Jedi (which may have been a mistake), so how ill they fix that?
She’ll either, be killed off, not appear in the film or what small appearances her character will have will be done with CGI.
She didn’t die in the last jedi because magic force powers.
Carrie Fisher is appearing via old footage shot for The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi that did not appear in the theatrical version of the movie. CGI will not be used.
I really don’t know how movies and studios work, so what I am going to say may be total nonsense.
Shouldn’t it be the fault of the SW equivalent of Kevin Fiege for the ‘failure’ of TLJ?
It’s Kathleen Kennedy, and while she approved the decisions for the movies Ultimately it was the director’s choice
My prediction: JJ will feel pressured to use IX to “undo” as many unpopular aspects of TLJ as can be undone. This will tick off the half of the fan base that likes TLJ. Meanwhile, he will forget to tell an actually good story, ticking off nearly everyone.
I really hope I’m wrong, but I have a bad feeling about this.
The perfect quote for the situation.
And it’s a Star Wars quote at that!
But your reply makes sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if your prediction comes true.
Comparing Kennedy to Fiege isn’t that fair a comparison. Fiege is MUCH more hands on than Kennedy is, who it seems like she sets her mandates, checks off some stuff, and otherwise peaces out.
Pretty sure you will be, since he’s stated in interviews that he’s not going to retroactively go through and change stuff from VIII in IX, like Rey’s parents being nobodies or Snoke’s death.
Although, what one says and what one does are two different things. We shall see.
JJ has definitely lied…I mean, changed his mind about things before. But I didn’t know he said that; that makes me feel slightly better! Though even then, I’m not super optimistic about how his work will turn out without Lawrence Kasdan to guide him. But we shall see.
Yeah, the Star Trek: Intro Darkness keeping Kahn a secret thing was dumb. At least his admitted afterword that keeping it a secret and bold faced lying about it was a mistake.
Mark Hammel has revealed the title
Theorist geek screams intensify.
Whatever; the last Jedi caused too much damage to fix. Better to just abandon ep 9 and reboot everything Disney made.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
People will probably get more angry with no ep 9 at all than about TLJ. If you would just cancel it, you would probably just end up with even angrier fans.