Star Wars: Stranded on Zoma V - Sign Ups (OPEN)/OOC Chat

If other folks would like to, I’d be definitely be down, though It’d have to wait till like mid August.


Well @GoodGuy2006 @Winger and @N01InParticular were the main ones we were waiting on replying.

Keplers has decided to leave this RP. His schedule is still busy, but I had been informed elsewhere that he no longer had interest. If the continued lack of response wasn’t an indicator.



@GoodGuy2006 @Ghid @Winger @N01InParticular @ajtazt @TheCobaltCorsair @wild_toa, I know folks probably aren’t interested in continuing this (which if so, is all good), but I just wanted to double check if there was interest in bringing this back. If not, there’s a couple plot details that I had planned that I’d like to share if anyone is interested.


Id totally be down, im in a low point in terms of RPs and just finished semester exams so Ive got time


I am good with either outcome.


Winger’s had an extended absence from the site almost mirroring my leaving to get him milk and cigarettes, so I doubt he’d be able to participate at this point. However with there only being one active rp on ttv of which I have long since lost all interest in, I would very much like any option.


Yeah, I’d probably be interested in picking this back up.


i mean i’d probably be good to come back
no winger tho :cry:


I’d be interested in joining, if it returns.

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Awesome, well it looks like we’ll be getting things started back up after all. I’ll try to get a new post up soon.

Feel free to make a character. As for what’s happened in the plot so far, basically the ship has crashed, and the survivors are regrouping at the crash site while fending off some vulture droids.


stuff’s … really going on for me and I realistically wouldn’t be able to participate. Sorry folks.


CT number: CT7472

Nickname: Scalpel

Scalpel got his name from his medic designation, and his skills in close combat. He often prefers fighting with his electro-dagger, a field knife that has an electrically charged blade for disabling mechanical targets. He is also skilled in field surgery, and has a reasonable recovery rate among his patients.

Appearance: Swamp camouflage armor with dark navy markings, and a gunner’s metal chestplate. He carries a bag of medical supplies, mostly bacta patches and some various disinfectant and steroid injections.

Skills: As stated above, Scalpel is a medic, though it hasn’t prevented him from learning to fight in close combat. His preferred weapons are knives of various types due to their similarities to his medical equipment, though he is also capable of using blasters and projectile weapons, to a lesser degree. He can perform field surgery, and has an infrared scanner in his helmet for limited night vision. He also has some knowledge of radio transmitters, though he usually doesn’t use them (due to having other jobs during combat).

Medical supplies
Light blaster pistol
Five ammo clips for pistol
A hologram transmitter (small handheld model with limited range)
One day’s field rations
A copy of Legends of the Mandalorians in the hologram transmitter’s memory systems.

Scalpel is slightly introverted, and very focused, often excessively so when confronted with a challenging task. He is often annoyed when others play loose with facts and figures, preferring to be as precise as possible when the information is available. He has a disconcerting habit of humming music to himself that frequently annoys others, though he sometimes is unaware of what he’s doing at the time. He has a great knowledge of medical terminology, and sometimes uses it in great detail, much to the disgust of anyone who prefers not to know the name of a damaged organ.

After the Battle of Geonosis, there were many clones produced for the Grand Army of the Republic. One of these was Scalpel. He served in several minor battles, though he never received any awards or recognition. Mainly because of his skills as a surgeon, his squads had a noticeably higher survival rate than most others, as the skills (or lack thereof) of his squad mates was well matched by that of their medic. He briefly served as a tank gunner in his last battle, though that lasted only for a few days as he severely damaged his vehicle, accidentally destroying several empty tanks during deployment. For this he was almost court-martialed, and was only acquitted when it was found that he was not qualified to be operating any vehicles. Afterwards, he was reassigned to Midnight Company as a medic, where he hopes to continue doing his duty to protect life.

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Actually, Star Wars isn’t big on books in-universe. Usually, it’s just a datacard and datapad. Only a few species use physical books with any regularity, if I recall correctly (the Chiss in Legends come to mind).

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Ok, I shall fix that.

Scalpel looks great, it’ll be good to have another medic on the team.


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still have a medic you mean

Ill get the character list updated with scalpel and who is and is not around anymore in a bit here, and then Ill take a look at the IC channel


“oh wannabe you’re just saying programming because you’re a droid”

wannabe, who is most definitely racist:



Scalpel beginning to realize what happened…

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I actually got around to revising the character list myself, so it should look a little less jank now.


Sorry, I had planned to specify this right after you got out of the rubble, but the bridge is actually on it’s side, like this:

And Scalpel is located on the bridge that’s not touching the ground, so the elevator shafts would actually feel more like hallways, and the hallway feel more like an elevator shaft without an elevator (in fact, that’s what Tesz, Wannabe, and Bravebird are reversing right now).