Star Wars: Stranded on Zoma V

Bravebird nodded, then grasped the metal beam.

OOC: Yeah, that was an incredibly short RP post, but there wasn’t really much else that I could do for this one…


The two clones, metal beam in hand, took some steps back, then charged at their target, forcing the chunk of roof to bend up, but it still wasn’t enough. They repeated the process, forcing the roof up even more. With one final ram, they forced the janky metal circle into the elevator, providing the group with their entrance.

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A large, dented gash greeted them on the other side of the elevator’s roof. Luckily, the crash seemed to have already taken care of the floor.

Tesz hurriedly stepped through both holes in the elevator, igniting her lightsaber on the other side for light. She was greeted by an upward facing hole in the ceiling a few yards away that, judging by all of the twisted debris and bodies, used to be the main hallway leading toward the other Bridge’s elevator. There was enough ruble on the ground that the group would easily be able to reach the hole, but traversing the now vertical hallway the rest of the way up could prove a challenge.
(@Ghid @Brickbot99 @TheCobaltCorsair )

Duke stepped out into the hall, motioning for Legacy, Rook, and Boomstick to follow as he began a hurried, and painful, jog toward the end of the ship.
(@wild_toa @N01InParticular @GoodGuy2006 )

Buoy, Saddle, and Graphite would soon have any suspicions confirmed as a loud humming sound vibrated into earshot, and three vulture droids arced down, zooming past the clone’s position before circling around and doubling back at about 300 yards in the air.
(@ajtazt @Keplers @Winger )


Wannabe vaulted through the holes in the elevator, immediately dropping to one knee next to the largest pile of bodies. It didn’t seem to be empathy which drew his attention, as his eyes spent only a couple seconds on each corpse before jumping to the next, and the next…

“How shall we ascend?” Wannabe asked, unable to look directly upwards due to the design of his neck.


Saddle reaches into his pack and quickly attaches his macrobinoculars to his helmet to get a positive ID on the approaching aircraft.

“Three droid fighters inbound! Distance, 300 meters up and closing on our position. We need to get down.”

His words are barely finished by the time he dives for the debris, hoping to be out of sight before the droids can see their position.


Before he got a chance to respond to Graphite, the vultures were soon upon them. If Buoy managed to make any sort of defensive cover before the droids came, he tries to hide behind that. Otherwise, he follows Saddle’s approached and just drives behind random debris. If there isn’t enough for all that, just falls over and pretends to be dead, hoping that works well enough.

Once the droids turn back, he opens up coms.

“Captain, this is CT-8604, Vulture Droids are patrolling the area. Might have been spotted. Front unsafe, please advise.”


Graphite was already moving towards cover when he was first notified of the droids. Now, as they passed overhead, he did his best to get entirely out of the sight of the droids’ photoelectric eyes - and their possible infrared sensors.


“Copy that soldier. Stay down and avoid engagement, we’ll be on our way.” Duke said over the comms before turning to Rook and Legacy.

“Double time men, we have eyes on droids.” The captain said grimly, quickening his pace.

Two of the three Vulture droids peeled off to presumably search the rest of the ship, while the remaining fighter circled the general area at the front of the ship. If the droid had spotted the clones, it wasn’t making it obvious…

Tesz glanced up into the vertical hallway, frantically scanning for anything they could use. In addition to some think sheets of metal beneath them, there were a few dangling wires hanging out of some damaged side panels farther up the hall that could be of use, as well as some exposed structural beams running halfway up the corridor’s side in a ladder like pattern. (@Brickbot99 @TheCobaltCorsair )

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Saddle sighs. “Would be nice if one of us had an RPS. Guess we’ll have to wait for the others to bring one. Hopefully the droid will just leave by then.”


Graphite paused, keeping his eyes on the vulture. “That likely wouldn’t be wise. Taking one out now would just seal our fate. We’d be overwhelmed in no time.”

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“If this one finds us, the other two won’t matter nearly as much. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have a rocket, though. Best we can do is hope it doesn’t spot us.”

“Or if it flies low enough, I could ride it.” Buoy comments, watching the vulture.


“Hey Boomstick, make sure you grab some rockets while you finish up, sounds like we’ve got company”

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“You act like there was reason to ask.” Boomstick had already grabbed a few, and eying up a blaster pistol to grab on his way out.


The vulture droid landed on a near by heap of smoldering scrap, overturning sections of metal with it’s front legs, scanning for any signs of survivors. If Saddle, Graphite, and Buoy didn’t act quickly, it would discover them in only a few minutes.

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Buoy tries to determine if this Vulture Droid is the kind with only torpedo launchers on its central body or another variant. He communicates on coms with his brothers to not reveal his location.

“Want to risk the head or take out the legs?”

@Keplers @Winger

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“With the hardware we’ve got, legs are gonna be hard. Maybe impossible. If one of us can pull off a clean shot to the neck, I think that’s our ticket.”

Saddle carefully – slowly – reaches for one of his ion grenades.

“I’ve only got two. This one might do the trick. If it doesn’t down the bird, it’ll stun it long enough to get our shot right.”


Graphite glanced at the long, somewhat unwieldy rifle he had laid down when he took cover. It was a bastion of the Army, the staple of every infantry, and for good reason. “I have range and accuracy, I can make the shot if I get an opening.”


“Alright, I’ll draw its attention. That should give an opening for both options,” Buoy says, readying himself. “If good, then on count of three.”



The droid appeared to be outfitted with the standard laser cannons, but Buoy would know if they were strong enough to take down a fighter, they would have no problem with some clones.