Star Wars: Survival Over Illum (signups and discussion)

Malechor V and Dathomir are off limits for him because Maul is in those two places.

I won’t be deciding. It’s up to y’all.


MOCingbird, how should Ygdras help Kai get over his fears? My current ideas is whether or not the two should spar and Ygdras try to get the Arkanian to say what it is he fears so much.

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If you think that’s what Ygdras would think is best than go for it. Like, why should anything you know OOC effect what you do IC? Though, Ygdras would know that Kaiden does spend a considerable amount of time training with his lightsaber in his own quarters.

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And Ygdras has shown he has adopted the spirit of Windu’s Vapad form of lightsaber combat: channel the Dark Side and turn it to the Light and against the Dark.

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Sorry for the late response. And also, thanks @EmperorDuckie for not letting the RP move to fast while I was gone.

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Been busy with my girl this week anyway haha.

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Not to sound rude but I’m curious to see what @EmperorDuckie has planned for Bid (@TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika)

He’s kinda the bully of the group so his trial is gonna be about compassion and stuff


Sorry if I don’t really do anything with this today


Just to let you all know, I’ll be offline for the next two weeks starting tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also, @EmperorDuckie, you might want to just pretend bid never existed seeing as TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika got banned.


Oh he did? Aight then.

We can resume the game when you’re back

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Eyy, I’m back. Im game for starting this back up if others are.


I’m game.

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Oh yay let’s goooo

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just wondering, how old are Kaduna and Chimm?

Do you mean Kadiro? Probably a little older than Obi-Wan
And chimm is 10

No, I meant Kay.

Ah idk abt kay

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So…is this RP dead?