The rules are fairly simple: I’ve started to build a MOC in, and your job, should you want to participate, is to complete it. This is how it works: I’ve included pictures of part of a MOC below. One person should will recreate the unfinished MOC in, make some changes, and post the file/screenshot(s) of their changes. Then the next person will do the same thing. If all goes according to plan, we’ll eventually have a completed character, who we will come up with a name for at the end!
Each person is allowed to add 1-10 parts at a time
You can change the color or position of any previously made parts, but it will count as one of your 10 changes
You may not delete any parts of the moc
Please refrain from suggesting what additions people should make. I think one of the fun parts of the game will be be seeing how people interpret unfinished parts of the MOC and build upon them however they see fit.
Please include the names of the parts you used so that people can recreate the MOCs more easily
If I had on my computer I would’ve added a size 3 axle through the glatorian neck, placed two more glatorian necks on either side, and added small HF beast feet
First of all, cool idea.
Second of all here we go:
Here is the file. I also think a rule should be made about it, so everyone posts the file.
A question: can a person post changes to the MOC more than once, in a period of time? Like can I post once more tomorrow/day after tomorrow?
You can post changes any time you want (today, tomorrow, next week, etc…) as long as two people go before you. I might change that rule though, if not a lot of people go here.
Finally, a MOC contest I can actually participate in. I guess I’ll submit my modifications and file, I used no more than the four piece limit that you specified. (Please check the bottom image.)
I decided to fill up the socket Lesnichy included, now the MOC has an articulating spinal appendage, the next editor can feel free to extend it or connect a weapon or do as they please as long as they are following the rules. Can’t wait to see the next step!
I think that If you get the piece names, than people can go back and refer to the original images and we don’t need to do the hassle of making the file.
Also something fun to do after the MOC’s been finished would be all of the participators agreeing on a name for said MOC. Also is there a certain part count that needs to be fulfilled so the MOC will meet the criteria for completion?
I think we’ll stop working on the MOC once we all agree that there isn’t much more progress to be made. Then if people want to, we can start a new MOC.